Chapter 7

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“Jiminie-“ He turned around to look at Jungkook who was dressed and lying on the bed, his phone beside him. “You look good in my clothes.” He grinned and winced while he turned around and soon he felt arms wrapping around his torso, pulling him against a strong chest. “Are you sore?”

“A bit.” It was more of a stiffness of his hips and back but he knew this was normal after intercourse. Soft lips pressed against his exposed neck where he did his best to cover the many love bites with make-up. Ever since he started dating Jungkook he began buying foundation and watching “How to cover your hickeys” tutorials on Youtube because the stares he’d get at college were too much for him to handle.

“I’m sorry, baby. Do you want to skip school today?”

“I can’t.” He really wanted to spend the day in bed, cuddling with Jungkook and talking about little nothings but that was not possible because it was Thursday and he had important classes he needed to attend.

“You’re done at 4 today, right?” Jimin nodded. “How about I pick you up later and we go somewhere nice to have dinner?” Their mouths met briefly and after the boy accepted he was dropped off at college, doing his best to avoid all the curious eyes who were searching for his too large shirt. It was not his fault he was so small compared to his boyfriend and he loved the fact that Jungkook’s smell was lingering all over his body so he was not really bothered.

Architectural Drafting and Design was the first class he had so he climbed the stairs and took his seat, even if he had 20 more minutes to go until it started. He began to look through his backpack for his bottle of water when he caught the sight of something foreign and he looked to see there was a sandwich. His face hurt from the huge grin and he picked his phone and began to text.

To:  Daddy
Thank you for the snack x


From:  Daddy
I expect it to be eaten!

He pouted at the bossy attitude but send some kissy emojis as an answer. He was going to eat it, Jungkook was keeping an eye on every bite he took and even if it was sometimes frustrating, he felt delighted for having someone caring so much about his well-being. He got his purple notebook out and began to doodle, his mind running to the previous night and all the touches and the sweet words. Jungkook loved him. The idea made him feel all fuzzy inside and he cupped his lower abdomen to stop himself and chuckled at his silliness. He was so happy! Mindlessly he began to draw a familiar broad back and bit his lower lip when he began to work on the shadows under the outstanding shoulder blades, knowing the skin there was now marked because of his throes of passion. He was so into it that he didn’t realise when someone sat right beside him.

“Wow – you’re so good!” It was Yejun and he closed his notebook by reflex, placing his hand on top of it. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.” It was his fault for drawing personal stuff in public so he shook his head. He could see that the boy concentrated on the purplish area of his neck but he kept the conversation normal, hoping he wouldn’t bring it up and thankfully, he didn’t. Instead they spent most of the day together and when Yejun asked if he’d be interested in going for some tea after college, he accepted because he had no better thing to do.

He had his usual mint tea – plain but efficient and now they were outside a very nice building, relaxing after a long day.

“You’re so pretty, Jimin-ah.” The words made him almost choke on his tea and he avoided to meet the other’s eyes. Maybe Tae was right, men didn’t usually compliment each other like that, right? Pretty was not a thing you could easily say to a friend.

“Thank you.” He mumbled and an awkward silence filled the air around them; now he was feeling bad for accepting to come. Thanks to Yejun’s casual way of approaching subjects they were back on tracks sooner than he imagined but he didn’t forget the comment for one second.  It was around 6 when he felt his phone buzzing and he answered right away because it was Jungkook calling. “Hi.” He looked to see the other was studying his face closely and he began to shift on his seat.

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