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   i walk into the band room and couldn't see no sign of sammy. then suddenly, i hear kissing noises and decide to rush over to it.

   i then see jisoo and sammy kissing each other. i instantly felt my heart fall to the ground and shatter.

"what the hell is this?" i yell, running up to the two of them. "it's not what you think-"

"you said you believed me. and yet you have the audacity, the tenacity, to kiss my boyfriend? you lied to me and i was just starting to like you!" i say, bursting out of the room.

"jen, wait i could explain!" sammy says, turning me around. before he spoke, i immediately notice the fear in his eyes. i know he means well but right now, i'm just angry.

"i don't want to here it." i say, letting go of his hold and rushing back into the music room where i was.

"what's wrong? did you notice your hair? it's blue." jia says, comforting me. "yeah yeah my hair changes color, it's a mutated gene i have, it's not a big deal." i say.

"that's so cool! but seriously what happened? i know he didn't turn you down." she says. "jisoo kissed him and i freaked out." i say.

"what?! let him explain, what are you doing sitting here??" she says, pushing me out of the door. "no, jia. i don't want to hear a two sided story right now." i say, grabbing my sketchbook and notebook with songs and letters to sammy along with my coat.

"where's sammy?" i ask. "he stepped out. is everything okay?" leo asks. "we're about to find out." i say, going outside the school and seeing sammy standing there.

"hey." i say, standing next to him. all he did was smile. "jen, you can't just act like nothing happened. we're going to have to talk about it soon." he says.

"i know.. but i want you to have these. look at them, take pictures of your favorites, just don't rip anything out." i say, handing him the books.

"what is it?" he asks. "your birthday present. it'll answer some questions you might have. you can keep it, i honestly don't care anymore." i say.

"will it answer why you're jealous when we're not even dating?" he asks. "it will." i say. "your sketchbook and journal? you never let anyone see these." he says.

"i know. i want you to see though. i mean it when i say all your questions will be answered." i say. "we should head inside, it's cold." he suggests, as we head back into the school.

"woah, your hair is a whole other color." he says. "it's a mutated gene." i say. "it goes based on your emotions right?" he asks. "how'd you know?" i ask.

"took a wild guess." he says, as i see jisoo again. "did you tell her the news?" she asks sammy. "what news?" i ask, looking at sammy.

   he still has that look of fear on him, i've noticed it's whenever he's around jisoo. as strange as it could be, it's true.

"we're dating." she says, holding onto his hands. i honestly can't believe he's letting her treat him like this. something is definitely up and i'm going to get to the bottom of it.

"dating?? and you didn't say anything?" i ask. sammy didn't say anything, you can see he's too scared to even speak.

"well, would you look at the time.. it's getting pretty late for me, i should probably head out-"
"you didn't even sing on stage yet." jisoo says.

"you could take my place. this is your night after all and i did tell you to be happy. you kids have fun." i say, rushing into the music room and grabbing my bag.

"where are you going?" jia asks. "home. i don't feel too good." i say. "you spoke to sammy though, right?" she asks. "i don't want to talk about it." i say, as i exit the room.

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