t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"today's the day!" i say to sammy, as he sits up on the bed. "i brought breakfasts from downstairs." i say.

"i'm nervous about meeting him." sammy says. "he's your brother." i say. "i know but.. when my parents moved to new york, my whole family basically stopped talking to them and once they got married it became worse. i found my brother because he messaged me on instagram." sammy explains.

"who's been taking care of him?" i ask. "my aunt. you see, i lived here for 13 years and when my parents had my brother, my dad got a job offer in new york. hence why we moved." he says. "and you never took your brother?" i ask.

"he was a new born. and my aunt wanted him to stay and keep her company. she was mourning over the death of her husband at the time." he says. "wow.. but you must be excited to see him." i say. "yeah but i'm scared also. he must hate me and plus how do i break the news to him?" he asks.

"i think you should go alone. your aunt might get upset seeing me." i say. "upset? i already talked it out with her. and plus you get to meet my grandmother." he says, finishing his food and changing his clothes.

"you're going like that?" sammy asks. "yeah, why?" i ask. "nothing. it's just my aunt's very judge mental." he says. "so what should i wear?" i ask. "ditch the shorts. maybe wear a dress? like the ones for the summer. or capri pants." he says.

"a dress? first off, you're crazy." i say. "just this once?" sammy asks. "let me see if i even brought a dress." i say, checking my suitcase.

unfortunately, i find the summer dress and quickly put it on. "i love that dress on you." sammy says. "don't get used to it." i say. "i don't see a point in getting dressed up. if i were meeting your parents, it'd be different." i say.

"i know. but basically my aunt is like my mom but just between us, no one in the family likes her. however my grandmother; everyone loves her." he says.

i notice a tattoo on sammy's right arm. there's roman numerals on it but i'm not sure what it means.

"when did you get the tattoo?" i ask. "when my parents died. it's my mom's birthday in roman numerals." he says. "that's so touching." i say. "well, my dad wanted to get the tattoo for their anniversary but when my mom died, he went with her so i ended up getting the tattoo." he says. "that's sweet!" i say, putting my shoes on.

"thank you... you ready to go?" he asks. "yeah, i'm just gonna grab my bag." i say, grabbing my small purse and walking out of the hotel room with sammy.

we arrive at the house and get out of the taxi cab as we walk up to the house. "no hair changing. and please, no powers." sammy says. "i'll try." i say. "at least you put your hair up so it won't look that noticeable." sammy says, as the door opens.

"woosung! you actually made it!" a woman says, hugging him. "and this must be the girl you spoke about." she says, hugging me. "it's a pleasure to meet you." i say.

"you're too sweet! come in, come in we have so much to talk about!" she says, taking us into the house as we sit in the living room. "must be your grandmother." i whisper. "it is." sammy whispers back.

"woosung, my baby!" another woman says, hugging him. "ahh, this must be chaeyeong! we've heard so much about you!" she says. "i hope it wasn't anything bad." i say, hugging her.

"don't be silly! it wasn't anything bad, just the truth." she says. the truth? i thought to myself, as a small boy comes downstairs.

"woosung, this is-"
"i know. hey there!" he says, hugging him tightly. "i can't believe i'm finally meeting you!" the brother says. "i brought you a gift." sammy says, taking the guitar off his shoulders and handing it to his brother.

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