t w e n t y - n i n e

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"you okay?" sammy asks me, walking into the hospital room with flowers. "it was so painful but i think i'm okay." i say, as the nurse brings the babies to me.

"this must be the father!" she says, handing him a baby. "they're so precious." sammy says. "now you know why i love kids so much." i say. "i've known for the longest. you know, i can't believe i'm a father." sammy says.

"i know. i can't believe i'm a mother." i say. "you think we'll make good parents?" sammy asks. "i think we'll be better than good." i say. "speaking about parents, i have a surprise for you." sammy says, as the nurse comes back into the room.

"sir, i'm going to have to ask you to leave. we need to clean up." she says, as sammy hands the baby back to the nurse and exits the room.

after the nurse washes me, i change into some clothes and listen to what the nurse has to say.

"having twins is definitely harder than having just one child. especially with breast feeding. i suggest you have a schedule for each child so it's not so confusing and it keeps you in track. have you given names for each baby?" she asks.

"i'll fill out the cards later." i say. "that's fine. now be careful with them, they do end up biting, especially when teeth start growing in." she says, as we practice the breast feeding routine.

after the routine, the nurse takes the babies and puts them to sleep and hands me some papers. "fill these out and be sure to hand them back to me. i already filled out most of the information, you just need to add names and sign where it's needed. i'll bring back your husband to help you." she says, as sammy comes back into the room.

"i haven't hugged you in so long." he says, hugging me. "don't crush me though, sit down." i say, as we both sit on the bed. "the craziest thing happened before you walked in here. she called you my husband." i say. "do you not want me to have that title?" he asks.

"no, it's not for that. it felt different for me. it made me feel older." i say. "she called you a wife just now and i found myself smiling at that thought for some reason." sammy says. "awe, that's cute." i say. "i mean it though. which leads me to the surprise i've been trying to tell you." sammy says.

"we've been together for almost two years, right?" sammy asks. "if now is the time to leave, you're a little too late." i say. "goofy, i'm not leaving! in fact i'm doing the opposite." he says, getting off the bed and going in his pocket. "chaeyeong jennifer lim. will you marry me?" he asks, holding a box with a ring inside.

"yes!" i instantly say, as he places the ring on my finger and kisses me. "it's so pretty!" i say, looking at the ring. "i also have good news! jueun is taking a six month break which means we basically have no management so the kids get to stay with us until then!" sammy says.

"how lovely! but when we're not there, who's going to take care of the kids?" i ask. "i spoke to my grandmother and she's willing to watch them if we ever need to step out." sammy says.

"bless her soul." i say. "well now she's a great great grandmother." sammy says. "you make her sound old with that title." i say. "i mean-"
"stop, that's your grandmother. leave her alone." i say. "don't you have names you need to write down?" sammy asks.

"you're right! okay so the boy was born first. what's his name?" i ask. "daehyun lucas kim." sammy says. "didn't we agree on this?" i ask. "yes and if we were to take him to an all english school, he's using the name lucas." sammy says, as i write the name on the dotted line.

"and what about the girl?" i ask. "you should know this one. we agreed on it." sammy says. "you mean sarang roseanne kim?" i ask. "yeah. do you not like that name?" sammy asks. "i do, i'm just double checking." i say, writing the name in.

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