e p i l o g u e

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so yes, dev olsen was apparently brought back to life. it's funny how that happened, i remember jen killing him right in front of my eyes.

but nonetheless, he was now under our company and we had to flee or somehow get him fired. jen and i never saw him, dojoon and olivia played the part of jen and i, until dev got his memory back.

that's how he knew it was us. he said he remembered jen perfectly and started to go back to the person he was.

he saw the kids, rosie and lucas. my kids. he played with them, and was actually really caring towards them. that was until rosie grew scared of him.

i remember rehearsing with the rose while jen was watching over the kids. she was writing some songs and trying to piece everything together. but once jen left the room was when it happened.

jen had come back to see her daughter with some bruises on her cheeks. when she asked dev what happened, he wouldn't say. lucas was nowhere to be found which made everything worse.

i remember jen becoming frantic in that moment. i remember her carrying rosie and tossing her to me as she went around the building looking for our son.

dev tried to make moves on jen once again, or so i'm told. but what i never knew was that our kids had inherited powers from jen. lucas has the ice powers while rosie has healing powers. it was amazing. my kids were living super heroes.

but when dev tried to potentially rape jen, lucas froze him yet again. he first got his eye but then got him right in the heart. his hair turned white and he fell to the ground.

everyone was now surrounding mr. olsen and asked what had happened. no one except jen and lucas knew. but were they going to sit there and say the truth. of course not.

so, we said he went into cardiac arrest. it was believable and everyone bought the excuse. after the funeral we had to attend, dev's mother came up to jen. she spoke to her.

"he was killed once and then killed again by the same thing… do you know anything about a frozen heart?" the mother asked jen.

"frozen heart? i'm sorry, i was just a co-worker for dev. i was never close to him. you're saying he died from a frozen heart?" jen asked.

"that's what the doctors tell me from the autopsy. i know it sounds strange but that's the second time it happened. is there a murderer out there who has elsa powers or something?" the mother asked.

"i wouldn't say murderer. elsa never used her powers for violence, she was careful but grew too scared of people finding out. she only used them for self defense." jen said. "my condolences to the family."

and with that she clinged onto my arm and we were off. back to our normal lives.

t w o  w e e k s  l a t e r

i remember one night, jen and i we were sitting in bed. she was online looking at primary schools, i was playing games on my phone.

our nights were like this recently: jen would be busy either typing away on her laptop, or editing some audios she had put together, or looking at things to do with the kids.

me, i was always tired from working all day that i just wanted to sleep. i always slept with my phone in my hands and would be woken up by jen shouting "you have a concert today" or "you have those interviews".

it seemed to me i always had something but i never had time to spend with my wife. ironic.

"psst. woosung. are you asleep?" she asked me one night.

i locked my phone and turned to her. i hummed in response. "what's up?" i asked, voice sounding groggy and tired from all the work i did today.

i think she took a notice because she replied with "never mind." and went back to what she was doing.

i sat up in bed and took the hand that was closest to me. "tell me." i said.

"but you're tired and your eyes are red. plus your voice sounds hoarsed. you need sleep." she said.

"what i need is for you to tell me what's wrong." i said.

"there's so much." she said, slamming her laptop shut and placing it under our bed like she always did.

tears formed in her eyes as she tried to blink them away. she knew we were falling apart. the family, our marriage. everything felt like it was tumbling down on us.

heck, we stopped saying i love you to each other before we went to bed. we stopped kissing, stopped everything it seemed. what was happening to us?

what ever happened to the old us? the ones that were in love and never let the spark die? the ones that were careless and free and did everything we could think of? tabloids were rating us as the model couple, the couple everyone wanted to be. but it seems like we're losing and it's just turning into everything we don't want to be. everything we feared to be: distant, separated, lost, breaking.

"come." i whisper, taking jen in my arms as she buried herself in my chest like she used to.

it felt like forever since i held her like this. since i was even able to touch her. we've been so distant from each other. we needed to reconnect and get to know each other again. we need to be together again.

she sobbed and mumbled things i couldn't understand, as i rubbed her back and tried comforting her.

"we need to separate." she finally said, breaking the hug and looking up at me.

"separate?? what do you mean? divorce?" i asked, holding her hands.

she didn't say a word but i knew that's what she meant.


"i gave it much thought and… look, i love you and all but-"

"no!! we could make this work! jen-"

"woosung we can't just keep living like this!! the relationship died out like a flame! it's-"

"jen, no, think about the kids!! how are we going to divorce when we work together?? we'll see each other constantly and just remarry. jen, i want you to think about it again. because i thought about us and we need to reconnect. we need a vacation. just the two of us. we need to live like the kids we were." i said.

"do you really think that's what it is? when was the last time you loved me? when was the last time you said those words, or even showed me?" she asked.

"right now. we don't need a divorce and i don't ever want you to think about that ever again! i love you!! and if you don't love me-"

"what are you talking about if i don't love you????? of course i love you and- you know what, you're right we do need a vacation. pack your bags, we're leaving."

and off we went to the most romantic place on earth: paris, france.


as you can guess, everything fell into place. i know i said i wanted to write a part two of roses but i haven't had the time to outline and figure out how to make the second book work. so hopefully the epilogue answers some questions and leaves no cliffhangers.

ALSO: there were some authors notes in the previous chapters but obviously they're really old so i wouldn't pay much attention to them. i know most of y'all don't read them anyways but yea i just felt like i had to share. i might end up deleting them soon but who knows.

THIS IS THE REAL END OF ROSES! i want to thank you all for adding this book to your library, reading it, voting on it, and all that jazz. it warms my heart know this book is doing SO WELL and i'm really glad y'all are enjoying it!! thank you again and see you in my next book!

roses | kim woosungWhere stories live. Discover now