t w e n t y - t w o

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sammy and i get off the plane and go over to baggage claim. we pick up our bags and exit the airport so we could go to our hotel.

"you said everyone's coming in a week, right?" i ask sammy. "yeah. it gives us time to familiarize with our surroundings." he says.

"cool! you know, i can't believe i'm here! it's been such a dream of mine since i was twelve. i wanted to be a makeup artist or some sort of stylist if music were to fail." i say.

"really?" sammy asks. "definitely! i remember looking up to shinee and wanting to show off my music and inspire others through my lyrics; much like how shinee did for me." i say.

"you know, we could meet them if you'd like to." sammy says. "meet them? i wouldn't want to take drastic measures." i say. "it's nothing drastic! jae knows a lot of people, i'm sure he could hook you up." he says.

"i wouldn't want to bother-"
"you're only going to be speaking to them, they're humans." he says, as we get out of the taxi cab.

"woosung you're talking to a whole shawol, one that looks up to all five members that are basically the reason she's standing and breathing, and is alive! i can't just meet them." i say.

"chaeyeong, you're just nervous. i would've thought you'd be happy in meeting them." sammy says. "and trust me, i am. but right now.. i'm scared." i say.

"scared? babe-"
"no!... when could i see them?" i ask.
"but you just-"
"answer the question." i say. "let's see jae first. you're not tired?" he asks. "no, just hungry." i say. "let's go to jae. he'd probably recommend us some good places." sammy says, as we leave our bags in the hotel room and walk to jyp entertainment.

we walk towards the building and notice a lot girls being around the area. "put your hood on and mask." sammy says, covering my face. "and put the sunglasses." he says, handing me a pair.

we walk into the building and go straight to the room number jae texted sammy. we go up the elevator and see jae instantly. "jae!" we shout, as we run up to him. "you guys actually made it, wow! how was your flight? when did you arrive?" jae asks, hugging each of us.

"flight was long and we arrived today." sammy says. "today? wow, alright. let me introduce you to the band before we go." jae says, as he takes us into a different room and closes the door.

"so this is the sammy you were talking about?" sungjin asks. "who's this?" wonpil asks. "sam's girlfriend, jennie." i say, hugging everyone. "i'm a big fan by the way." i say.

"did jae tell you to say that-"
"what, no i really am a fan! i've even saw you guys at kcon last year i believe." i say. "it's nice meeting you!" dowoon says. "likewise!" i say, smiling.

"you guys ready to go?" jae asks, as we nod and say goodbye to the rest of day6.

we walk out of jyp entertainment and go into a small café. "i assume you guys must be hungry. this is a place if let's say you're busy and need something to eat or drink, just get it quickly. it's like a grab and go type of place and their things are really good." jae says, ordering food for us and soon walking out of the café.

"our first stop is to sm entertainment. i need to talk to someone with sammy. you know, band stuff. in the meantime, you could meet someone there. say maybe nct or exo." jae says, as we enter the building.

"jen, go in that room over there. stay there until we're done." jae says, as i walk over towards the room. "let me know what happens." i say to sammy, as we part from each other.

i decide to text hoseok that i've arrived in south korea and that maybe we should hangout some time.

little hoseokkie 🍥🎐

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