Chapter 12

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I woke up with a halt and was sweating too much. I exhaled loudly then rubbed my eyes. I turned my head to the right and grabbed the water bottle from the little counter that was placed besides my bed and opened it with shaky hands. Oh God.

Why did I dream of her?

One moment she was laughing and playing with me, and then the second, I saw her fading away with a pained smile. My younger version chased after her in hopes that she might catch her. She or I couldn't do that.

She was gone and I was desperate.

It was a dream yes, I know, but it felt so real and warm. I felt mother's touch on my cheek when I fell down and scratched my knee. She wiped my tears off of my face with her gentle fingers saying that it will be all good.

Those were her repeated words.

And those were my engraved words.

They were glued in my mind and they were my air.

I got out of the bed, after I calmed down. I walked to the closet and grabbed plain blue denim shorts that were the first thing with a hand reach then I pulled out a red crop top sweater. I didn't give it to much effort because I didn't care as long as I was wearing clothes. Then I entered the bathroom.


" Good morning " I said in a quiet tone after I entered the kitchen to see Mia and Mason sitting on the chairs like they were waiting. " Why aren't you eating? " I asked as I saw the pancakes plates in front of them, untouched.

Mia looked up and shot me a bright smile. " Good morning Holly, we were waiting for you " She replied then got up and walked to the microwave. She opened it then pulled out another pancake plate and placed it in front of me, where I sat.

" You made this? " I asked her as I gazed at the delicious food. It looked elegant.

She shook her head then looked at Mason. " Mason did, he put it in the microwave so that it would be a small surprise for you " She reasoned with a smirk and I chuckled when I saw him face palm himself.

" Mia, just sit down and let's eat. We have a long day waiting for us. Holly dig in " Mason countered and I grabbed the fork.

Mia sat back on the chair and began eating with a pleasurable expression on her pretty face. " Yum... So Holly are you coming with us? " She asked me as she swallowed her food.

I nodded. " If that's okay with you " I pointed out with a small smile. " I totally understand if you don't want me to come " I added quickly then took a bite.

She slapped her palms on the counter. " Are you kidding?  I'd love to have you with us. It will be cooler than to be stuck with Mason for the whole day whining, at least you'll distract him for me " She countered then wiggled her eyebrows which caused me and Mason to almost choke on our food.

My eyes widened and Mason coughed awkwardly. " Mia! " He began." Would you please shut up and eat your freaking food so we can go?"He raised his voice out of embarrassment.

I was so embarrassed so how could he not be? 

For a fifteen years old teenage girl, she sure knows what she's talking about and it was too disturbing.

" Whatever, but you'll admit that I was right... Someday, just you wait. " She exclaimed then grinned at us.

Teenagers can be scary and frustrating.

" When will we go? " I asked, trying to change the subject.

" As soon as we finish eating, you don't have to hurry though " Mason answered me then got back to eating.

" One more thing... " I trailed off.

" Yeah? " He looked at me once again, waiting for me to continue talking.

" Thank you for the food " I said then returned to eating. He just smiled.

I can get used to that smile.


" Come on guys " Mia called for us to get into the car.

" Says the one who took a decade to finish her plate " Mason muttered under his breath and I chuckled. He sat in the driver's seat and I sat next to him.

Don't get me wrong, Mia made me sit there and I had no other choice because she laid down on the passengers seats. All of them.

" Holly? " Mia called after half an hour of complete silence.

I turned my head and looked at her. " Yeah " I said.

" Where are your parents? " She asked out of nowhere this random question that made me tense.

" Mia, that's non of your business. " Mason replied coldly without removing his gaze from the road.

I sighed. " It's okay. She just asked " I said then ran a hand through my hair. " Um, well... Father is working over seas for two years, that's why Mason is here with me " I explained and she arched her eyebrows.

" Then, what about your mom? " She asked again and I felt like I was being stabbed in the memory box. I felt like screaming for missing her so much, but I wore a blank expression on my face.

" She... She died. " I whispered and waited for her reply. Though I knew what was she gonna ask, I waited.

She looked sad when she knew. " How? Of course if you don't mind telling " She said.

As I was about to tell her, Mason turned on the music. " I think it's enough for the day " He commented then focused back on driving.

To be fully honest... I wasn't ready fir sharing her story with anyone. I didn't talk about my feelings with anyone since she died. Yet I was not that weak.

" I'm sorry " Mia muttered and I smiled at her.

" No need to apologize " I replied.


After we arrived to our destination, Mia wandered around the place and started working on her homework. Mason and I just sat on a bench, watching Mia work.

" I'm sorry for her annoying questions, earlier " He said which made me looked at him.

And when I did, I saw emotions that were hard to read and explain. His shell was so strong and could not be open so easily. But I understood him, I was like him.

" It's fine, she was just curious and I completely get it. Don't go around and scold her because I'll kill you if you do that " I threatened then smirked when he shifted beside me.

" Okay " Was his simple reply before we fill into silence. Which was normal for us by now and it was getting comfortable by the second.

As I was staring at the floor thinking of tomorrow's classes, we heard Mia yelling at someone. Mason and looked her way and saw a young man grabbing her hand. " Let go of my hand " She yelled and that was our cue to go.

" Hey " Mason shouted then ran towards her.


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