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"Agh, my head hurts." Jungkook groaned while clutching his head, he slowly sat up.

He blinked his eyes a few times adjusting to the light, then everything came rushing back to his mind.

He recalled how he recieved a message asking to meet up, he left the practice room around four pm to go to the meeting place he met some fans on his way and they asked him for pictures which he gave them, he turned left and walked into an alley he noticed a man following him, he started to became aware of his surroundings he thrown him a punch which landed on his left jaw and he started running but the man was faster than him and he just found his self getting caught by the man, the man covered his mouth with a handkerchief.

Then everything went black.

He lost his nerve.

Sh*t I just got kidnapped! Jungkook silently cursed and started losing his cool.

What if they abducted me for my internal organs? My money? To kill me? My body?

Jungkook started thinking hysterically. Thinking about his career and all those small little things that might not even matter in his situation.

Then he realised something he wasn't tied up in a post he can move freely, he is not in an abandoned building in fact he in a modern interior room and he is sitting on a king size bed.

He was left in cunfusion.

Is this a sophisticated way of kidnapping? In not in a warehouse but in a real house?

Jungkook slowly got down from the bed and roamed around the room. The room is huge, it can be considered a small apartment for a four membered family. There are two other doors in the room he walked towards one of the doors while looking around.

When he reached the door he slowly turned the knob and opened it.

It revealed a bathroom with a bathtub and shower room he started checking the products on display in their respective places and its all the products that he use from shampoos, lotion to the soap he's currently using.

He also saw the vanity table earlier and it also has all the facial products he use for his skin care.

He tilted my head to the side.


He went out of the bathroom and went to check the other room ans it lead to a walk in closet.

His eyes widens as he check one of the leather jackets hanging on the rack. Its his exact size. He checked the other clothes even the shoes and its all his size.

He's getting skeptical yet excited at the same time.

The clothes and the room itself is his style.

"If I was really abducted and I'll get the chance to enjoy this before they do anything to me. Then I'll just go enjoy this." Jungkook said in all smiles before trying on the clothes.


Yein blinked my eyes a few times adjusting to the light.

She jolted up the bed when she noticed that she wasn't on their dorm. And memories from earlier came to her mind. The cab, the driver.

She quickly got down from the bed. She didn't even bother to spare the room a glance as she made her way out of the room.

She can't help but to gasp at the fascinating interior of the house. Its modern, sleek and elegant. It doesn't seem like a place where abductors take their victims.

Maybe the driver from the cab admires me from afar? He abducted me to marry me? And he is d*mn rich? He changed his identity to abduct me?

Yein quickly shaked her absurd thoughts off.

Whatever the reason on why she's in an unknown place. A castle like place, she needs to leave this place. As she doesn't know what lies ahead in this house.

She still have dreams and promises to fulfill. She closed can't be stucked there.

She walk in a fast pace while looking around. Yein is walking down the hallway when I heard a faint voice or music.

Whatever that is she's unsure. Its way to faint. And if the house isn't as quite as it is right now Yein believes that she won't be able to hear such faint noise.

She carefully walked towards the door where she heard the faint sound. She leaned her head on the door trying to hear the noise coming from the room.

"BTS sunbaenim's song?" Yein slowly mumbled.

She was confuses and her curiosity is kicking. She really got curious and she slowly reached for the knob and opened the door. She took a deep breath and prepared herself to attack if there were any threats. Yein learnt mixed martial arts that many are not aware of.

Once she is inside heard the speaker clearer. She covered her ears as it is too loud for her.

BTS DNA is playing.

She heard it coming from the direction of the two other doors in the room

She recalled that the room she was in earlier also has two other doors inside.

She slowly walked towards the door where the music is coming.

Man the volume is too high!

She reached for the knob and quickly opened it thinking that it might be her abductor.

"AHHH!!!" Yein screamed as she saw a half naked man inside the room. She quickly covered my eyes

Did I just saw six pack abs?

"AHHH!!!" The man also screamed. Then she heard the speaker being turned off.

"Who are you?' She heard him asked.

Huh? Why is he asking isn't he my abductor?

Yein was confused.

She slowly removed her hands that is covering her eyes.

Yein's eyes widened and so did the man in the room

"Jungkook sunbae?"

"Yein hoobae?" they both exclaimed at the same time.

What the hell is happening?

LOCKED IN LOVE | YeinKook ✔COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now