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Jungkook and Yein are dragged by Yaeun towards the pool area, after dragging the two she left them to wait, locking all the sliding doors to access the inside of the house so the two can't enter.

Yaeun said she'll organize their new room and she doesn't want them to interfere. Yaeun is really serious about the two sharing a room.

Moon Yaeun really makes her way in achieving everything she wants. And its starting to get on their nerves.

Yein sat far from Jungkook, she doesn't want to be near him, well a part of it is because they don't get along and a part of it is because she's embarrassed that she argued with him that she didn't sleep beside Sehun though in reality she did, without her knowing.

Jungkook on the other hand wants to talk to Yein, but he doesn't know what to say.

He was about to speak to her when Yaeun came out to the pool area with a smile that for the two means trouble.

"Come here quick, your new room is ready." She said signaling Jungkook and Yein to come inside.

Yein feeling apathetic stood up to get inside the house. Jungkook cannot believe his eyes. Yein is really going to follow Yaeun?

He stood up and jogged after Yein, he held her wrist that made the latter look at him.

"Are you fucking serious? You're really going to follow Yaeun?" Jungkook asked in pure disbelief.

Yein glanced at Jungkook's hands on her wrist and she looked at his face, Yein yanked Jungkook's grip with a glare.

"Do you think we have a choice? Cause if we have a fucking choice I'll kick Yaeun's ass and slap her face for her to wake up that the idea of us being together is pointless." She said with her stoic look.

That was a below the belt blow for Jungkook, he felt something in him clenched in pain.

"So just follow what Yaeun says, not unless you want her to do something far worse than what she's doing now." Yein added and walked away.

Jungkook sighed. He doesn't understand what's happening. Its making his mind explode and give him mix emotions he can't name.

"Wah, this is really driving me crazy!"  Jungkook huffed a breath and followed Yein inside the mansion.

The two followed Yaeun through the large halls of the mansion. They went to the last room on the hall.

Yaeun took out a key and opened the door, she went inside with Yein following her, Yein stopped on her tracks making Jungkook halt behind her.

Jungkook was confused why Yein stopped getting inside the room, so he squeezed himself inside the tiny gap and entered the room while his eyes locked on Yein.

He can see amazement plastered on her face, her mouth slightly gape that made Jungkook cast his eyes around the room.

And just like Yein his jaw dropped.

He's standing on a humongous room, probably thrice the size of their old bedroom.

There's a lounge with with a 72 inch flat screen tv. The walls were replaced with glass windows, with baige colored curtain draping from the ceiling to the floor. The curtains are opened giving the view of the whole hacienda.

But the thing that really caught Yein and Jungkook's attension is that there is only one bed.

Yein silently cursed when she saw the only bed in the room, but she saw it coming. Its Moon Yaeun we are talking about here, the girl who'll do anything to make things work  the way she wants it to work.

LOCKED IN LOVE | YeinKook ✔COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now