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A letter came in the mansion this morning and both Jungkook and Yein read the letter.

This is Yaeun,

I can't be there myself to tell you this, I'm with my father. He's busy negotiating with countries and my mom and I needed to come with him.

As what I've heard the two of you are now in good terms. I have Mrs Lee and Mrs Kim to report to me everytime. I'm  really glad the two of you finally opened yourselves to each other. I should've been there to witness it, but hearing about the news that the two of you like each other now is more than enough.

I wanted to say sorry. I'm sorry if I interfered with your lives, I know I don't have the right to push the two of you together, but this is something I would do in a heartbeat if I'll be given a chance again.

I know the two of you are afraid about what may happen in Korea, believe it or not... I myself, I'm also afraid. I'm afraid that I'll be the reason for your downfall... especially to you Jungkook..

You're really popular and you have a lot to lose with this stupid plan of mine.

I was contemplating about my actions earlier and I realized how wrong I was to do this. But it already happened now, the plan has been executed so why won't we just finish it right?

In a month your hiatus will end, and a private jet will take you back to Korea, don't worry. No one will know about the two of you coming back to Korea together. Just like how I managed to take you to France without anyone noticing, you'll come back to Korea the same way.

So here will be the scenario that me and your respectives companies planned once you get back to Korea.

Yein for the past three months (including the last month of your stay in France) your group is preparing for a comeback, which is true. That's why when you get back you need to record and practice the choreo, because obviously your late than your members.

While you Jungkook, you're also preparing for a comeback, your comeback will be after Lovelyz. Then after that you'll go on tour.

That's it. That is the last thing I'll do for the both of you.

I hope this relationship blossom into something beautiful and something that will last for a lifetime.

I hope that the two of you are now locked in love and no one will ever be able to unlock it.

Love Yaeun

As a gift, I bought you two a unit. The same floor as your dormitory Jungkook. I hope you like it and will use it in the future.

Yein placed the letter on the table.

They have a month left to spend together. And honestly she's scared.

She's scared of what may happen once they get back to Korea. What if Jungkook's feelings for her change? Well he'll be surrounded by girls again and not like here that she have him all by herself.

She's being selfish but, she doesn't think she can last a day without seeing Jungkook.

"Hey, you okay Yein?" Jungkook asked softly when he noticed Yein deep in thoughts.

Yein didn't replied instead she stared at the letter Yaeun sent and Jungkook noticed that.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around Yein.

"Are you thinking about what Yaeun said?" He asked.

Yein rested her head on his shoulders.

"Its annoying do you know that?" She asked and looked at Jungkook who's frowning at her.

"What do you mean? What's annoying?"

"Yaeun." Yein said huffing a breath.

"She planned all of this and now that we like each other she's going to discard us?" Yein asked in disbelief.

Jungkook understand where Yein's coming from.

"Yein, this is what her plan is. Once we already fall for each other, we will go back to Korea and go on with our lives." Jungkook paused and caressed Yein's hair. "We can't just leave our careers behind. That is something we worked hard on for years."

Yein pouted her lips.

"I know. But why now? We just started enjoying each others company and then this came?" Yein said holding the letter in her hands.

Jungkook smiled sheepishly.

"Why? You like being with me?" He asked teasingly.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Yein gawked when she realized what she just said, her tongue slipped. Now it seems like she's head over heels with Jungkook. Is she not?

"I don't know what to do with you really. You really know how to make my heart pound Yein." Jungkook said all smiles as he kissed the top of Yein's head.

"Don't worry, we still have a month. And in that month we will make it memorable and something that we will cherish for a long time."

"But what will happen once we get back to Korea?" She asked.

"Don't worry about that my princess. I'll make sure to make myself available whenever you need me." Jungkook assured her.

"And your fans?"

"I'll be careful. I don't want my princess to receive hate from my fans. I will not think twice and leave the industry if they try and hurt you."

Jungkook's words made Yein's heart pound. She's holding onto his words.

"Can I really trust you with that?" Yein asked.

Jungkook smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Trust only in me Yein. I'll do everything for you."

LOCKED IN LOVE | YeinKook ✔COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now