Chapter 13

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Bellamy :

What did I do ? Did I always have to screw things up . they'd been gone for hours . I knew they were in trouble .
I knew Clarke was in trouble .

And It was my fault .

I walk over to Raven.

"Do you think you can make walkie takies ? we need to find Clarke and Finn . it's been forever and their not here. "

I tell her and she smiles .

" Already done . I had that thought when I saw Finn leave to get with her . "

I nod and get a group together .

I couldn't let her die knowing she hated me .

I couldn't let her die period.

And even tho I hated him .
We needed Finn.

We needed everyone . even if they were a pain in the ass .

Clarke :

I'm thrown next to Finn on the ground in some kinda cave .

Anya walks over . " Help her. his life depends on it. "

I try and realize her bloods poisoned.
And in a place like this . there was nothing that could help her .

There was nothing I could do to help finn.

" I can't help her . her bloods poisoned and I don't have the right tools . I-I'm sorry "

I felt horrible . " kill him"

" No ! let him go let him go ! I yell pushing against a body of a grounder. Who pulls me back .

I see Finn pushing to get free .
And I see fear in his eyes .
And it breaks my heart.

"Finn!" I half yell half cry

Finally he stops struggling and looks at me as he gets taken away.

Somthing I couldn't quite figure out was on his face .

Fear . sorrow. worry maybe . I wasn't sure .

I knew I had to get out if here . To get more people and save Finn . I knew I wouldn't get far by myself .

" I won't take pride in killing your friend " He says and I walk over to him. Scalpel in my hand .

I knew what I had to do to get out .
To survive .
To help Finn .
But I didn't like it

I raise my hand up and cut his neck and as he falls to the ground I shove it in his neck .

" I'm sorry " I barley get out and as soon as I realizing what I did I had to run .

Passing tress upon trees upon tree not knowing where to go I'm flung into the air almost knocking me out cold .
I knew it was some kinda trap.

I hear footsteps and figure it's the grounders.

I see a shadow get closer.

" Just kill me ..get it over with . just kill me " Was all I said before the blood rushed to my head.

And everything went black

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