Chapter 60

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( hey guys ! I know this was all a big deal . This hallucination thing was a lot of my story'll have to wait and see what happens ...don't hate me to make you feel better ..and you guys want know what happens and I don't post every day's a little somthing :). )

Bellamy :

I wake up with a major headache . I instantly know what happened . the impact of the explosion must have taken me out when Finn and I were running .

Finn .

I sit up , head pounding and see him about 7 feet away . either he was out cold .

Or dead .

Slowly I sit up and balance myself .

"Finn." I say .

No response.

"Finn" I say Again and I see his eyes twitch and shoot open.

" Bellamy? "

" We need to find the group . " I say sternly . I didn't want small talk or bonding. I wanted to find octavia .

To find Clarke.

What scared me was I'm actually more concerned for Clarke then Octavia .

After silently walking to what was left of camp ..they were all gone .

Everybody was gone .

Something was wrong.

If Clarke had a say she wouldn't have left until she was positive me and Finn were dead .

Clarke :

I lay on the all white bed . looking straight up at the all white wall.

Thinking .

That's all you could do besides wait .

Wait for what , I didn't know .

I thought about letting the 100 down

I thought about the ark

And I thought about how my feelings for Bellamy were real although he was just a hallucination .

And then I thought how he was dead . and how is never see him again .

And the endless tears would flow down my cheeks .

I had nothing waiting for me except death. Nothing to save the day . no one to tell me it's ok .

I was alone . and that was my future ....

And this time . there was no getting out .

( feed back guys !!! )

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