Chapter 32

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Clarke :

I lean on Bellamy and don't say a word .
I didn't want this moment to End.
Ever .

But leaning against him made me feel safer then I ever had on earth .
It reminded me of me and my dad when I was little always leaning on him .

I felt the same feelings I did with him.

And to my surprise.

Bellamy felt like home .

I closed my eyes not wanting to let the time pass.

And eventually . my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep.

Finn. : all this emotion was running through my veins .

But most of all .


Bellamy didn't deserve Clarke .
He was leading us to death .

I had gotten people to agree.
But some trusted him.

How ? how do you trust a killer ? a guy so selfish to take everything he wanted and leaving nothing .

He needed a taste of his own medicine .

And thoughts started rolling off my mind.

Abbi :

I began to walk out of the cave when I see Clarke with Bellamy.

I smiled finally seeing her at a better state of mind besides survival .

Not wanting to ruin the peace I head back and I see Finn.

"Mrs griffin ? "

"Is there someone hurt ? " I ask bit I could tell by his face that wasn't the case .

" Bellamy isn't the guy you think he is "

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