28- best gift

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Mitchel's POV

I started to pepper soft kisses along Jaz's neck in an attempt to wake her up. It was almost 10 and I couldn't wait any longer, I always loved Christmas and I would wake everyone up in the early hours of the morning just to go and see if Santa had been.

She let out soft groans obviously being her usual sleepy self.

"Wake up babe" I whisper.

"Later" She mumbles waving her hand around while keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"It's Christmas come on" I whine.

"But I'm tired" She moans.

"We can nap later" I dismiss.

She opens one eye and then another, squinting at the bright light coming from the window. She looked so cute and it was nice to have her here in my old room, it was like bringing my new favourite thing to my old favourite thing. My room was my whole life when I lived here; I slept here, I played video games here, I started my music career here, producing beats and singing into my laptop microphone.

I giddily get out of bed yanking the covers off her before she had the chance to try and go back to sleep earning a pretty dirty look from her direction.

She grudgingly drags herself up and stands in front of me looking very grumpy but also very cute at the same time. Her eyebrows were furrowed in and her lip was pouting out like a toddler about to throw a tantrum.

I pull her in for a hug trying to get her to smile at least. I suffocate her in kisses and she eventually starts to laugh.

"That's better" I say.

I could hear people around the house moving so I figure we should start heading downstairs.

"Come on little one" I say pulling in front of me and gently walking us to the door.

"I'm not that little!" She protests.

"You keep telling yourself that short ass" I laugh.

I rightfully earn a slap to the side and I continue to laugh. Once we get downstairs everyone is here and watching the television, Clinton is making some tea for everyone and the presents are still untouched presumably waiting for us to arrive.

We sit down on one of the smaller sofas together as everyone wishes eachother a Merry Christmas.

Us boys open our presents first which gives Jaz time to adjust and wake up although my mum had bought her a nice gift of perfume which she loved.

While Taylor and Clinton chatted over some cool video game they had both got I took this as an opportunity to give Jaz her presents. My mom and dad were making us some food so I could give her the gifts without everyone watching which I knew would make her self conscious.

I grab the bag and hand it to her. She sits cross legged on the couch while she begins to open them. I had got her some nice chocolates, a hoodie, make up that she wanted, a mini bottle of vodka with a note attached saying 'a way to buy over your affection' as a homage to the first time we met which she picked up on and laughed at which made me feel better about my more than not, bad humour.

She opens the last one which was the biggest present yet the smallest item. She opens the black leather box and emits a small gasp as she looks at the contents. It was a necklace with a deep red rose and a silver stem. Roses were my favourite thing and I loved the beauty of them and that they held such romantic symbolism but they had a darker side, a more dangerous and enticing side; just like Jaz.

She pulls me into a bear hug muttering strings of thank yous and she immediately gets me to help her put it on.

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever recieved" She hums.

"I'm glad you like it" I smile.

"I love it" She corrects "Almost as much as I love you"

We pull in for a kiss and ignore the gagging noises made by my brothers as I silently flip them off.

"Ok your turn" She squeals excitedly.

She gets up and grabs a bag before handing it to me, sitting down beside me once again.

I begin to open the presents and I'm surprised by how well she actually knew me in the little time we had been together. She had got me my favourite aftershave although I'm sure Clinton played a role in helping her with this. She also got me a new belt which I was happy with as my current one was looking a bit worse for wear. She also found me some expensive looking chocolate truffles in the shape of roses and it made me smile that we both got eachother a gift with a rose incorporated somehow.

I reach the last one which she insured I kept until the end and she looked very excited about it. I could tell by the shape of the present already that it was a vinyl record and I was happy to add to my collection.

I tear away the paper and my eyes are met with those familiar orange and purple colours I had spent so long searching for on websites and shops. My heart stops and I can't quite believe the item that's in my hand. It felt surreal.

"Oh my god" I say, my eyes never tearing from the vinyl.

It was my favourite album of all time, one in which I had listened to growing up and one that had shaped me into the artist I am today. The vinyl in particular was as rare as the girl sitting before me. I had never managed to find one and I had spent days, months and years searching for it. And here it was.

"Do you like it?" She asks looking nervous.

"How could I not?" I breathe "It's the best gift I've ever received"

A huge smile breaks out on her face as she hears my reply. It was the most amazing thing she could ever give me and I knew that nothing I could ever buy her could compare to the sentimental value of this.

"Actually no it's not" I say slowly.

Her face falls again in confusion, worried I've perhaps changed my mind.

"It can't possibly be the best present when the best gift is clearly you baby girl"


Cute chapter ayyy
Make the most of it cos you're not gonna get one for a while 😈

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