Chapter 44

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(Fran's POV)

I knocked timidly on the front door of Paige's house and it was immediately opened by Paige's mother who looked extremely distressed.

I received a call from Paige's mother about an hour ago saying that Paige had burst through the front door after returning home from Darren's earlier than expected and ran straight up to her room sobbing her eyes out.

"She locked herself in her room about an hour ago and she won't come out... She's crying Fran and I don't know what's wrong with her." Paige's mother explained desperately.

"I'll talk to her." I said quietly. Paige's mother stepped aside as I walked past her and up the stairs towards Paige's bedroom.

"Pai?" I called as I lightly wrapped my knuckles on the door.

I heard a quiet sniffle come from the other side of the door.

"Pai?" I asked again.

"What?" A muffled voice called from the other side.

"Pai can I come in?" I asked gently.

She said nothing and for a few moments things went silent but then I heard a quiet shuffling and there was a soft click as her door unlocked. I tentatively pushed the door open and stepped in, shutting it behind me.

Paige was stood before me in leggins and an oversized grey jumper; her face was red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tear tracks; her usually sparkling eyes were clouded and swollen from crying and her bottom lip trembled; she had her arms wrapped around herself and her body shook as she sobbed. She looked tired, weak and broken.

I stepped forwards and pulled her into a tight hug, she brought her arms around me and I felt her body tremor against mine as she tried to steady her breathing.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" I asked gently as I timidly brought a hand up to rub her back soothingly.

Paige took a deep breath and I felt her chest rise against mine. "I-I told him." She whispered.

I didn't need to ask any more questions, I knew instantly what she meant. She had told Darren about the baby.

"And what did he say?" I asked.

"He doesn't want me Fran." She cried. "He doesn't want me or the baby and I've practically ruined his life."

"He said that?" I gasped.

"Well not quite but he might as well have said it like that." She grumbled as she plopped down onto her bed with a loud sigh. I sat down next to her and looked her seriously.

"Paige what did he say?" I asked.

"Well at first he didn't believe me and then something seemed to click and he just went crazy and started ranting about how I shouldn't have told him and he has a life and... and... ugh God this is so hopeless." She cried as she laid back onto her bed.

"It's not hopeless Paige." I cooed as I leant back and laid next to her. "This is a big thing and you've had a whole week to process this whereas he's had about five minutes so to be honest I'm not surprised he's freaked out."

"So you're saying this is my fault?" She asked sadly.

"No not at all! What I'm saying is that you need to just give him time and he'll come around... I mean-" However before I could finish speaking I was cut off by a furious knocking at the front door downstairs.

Paige and I both sent each other quizzical glances before sitting up on the bed.

I heard the front door open and a pair of feet come thundering up the stairs.

Paige walked over to open her bedroom door and before she had fully opened it Darren burst into the room looking flustered and anxious.

"What are you doing here?" Paige snapped as she crossed her arms.

"Paige I'm-"

"Darren if you're here to apologize I suggest you save it for somebody who cares." Paige said firmly as she spun around resumed her seat on the bed next to me.

"Baby please." Darren implored and his begging brought back memories of how Ethan had pleaded for forgiveness with me.

"Don't baby me Darren." Paige sassed.

"I was an idiot." He said ashamedly as he paced the room.

"Yes you were." Paige agreed.

"I was stupid." He admitted.

"Yep." Paige said popping the 'p'.

"The way I acted was completely out of order." He said, his voice laced with regret and sorrow.

"Obviously." Paige replied.

"I just want you to know that I didn't mean a word of it. I was in shock OK I mean this is big.. no this is huge Paige, I mean a it's baby... we're going to have an actual baby... in nine months time we're going to be parents." Darren mused.

"Seven and a half months actually." Paige said coldly.

"I want to be there for you Paige... I want to have this child with you... I want to raise a family with you." Darren said seriously as he stopped pacing and knelt down in front of Paige and took her hands in his. "I just want you. I can't live without you and yeah this is completely unexpected and not at the best time but that doesn't matter... I love you Paige and I will do anything to be with you." Darren begged desperately.

Paige's face remained hard and cold for a few moments but them her eyes began to water and a smile began to play upon her lips.

"You really mean that?" She asked softly.

"Every word." Darren replied lovingly as he leant in and kissed Paige on the cheek.

"I love you too." Paige whispered as  she pulled him in and kissed him on the lips.

Aw they're so cute together. They're such a strong couple and I have no doubts that they are going to make great parents. I smiled at the thought of Paige being happy with someone like Darren. Wait why am I still sat here when they're clearly having an important moment in their relationship?!

"Right well I'm gunna go now." I announced loudly as I stood up from the bed.                 

Paige pulled back from Darren and looked at me with glistening eyes. "Call me later yeah?" She giggled.

"OK. Bye guys." I chuckled as I left the room.

"Bye Paige." Darren called over his shoulder.

I bounced down the stairs and let myself out through the front door.

I'm so glad that things have worked out for Paige. She deserved someone like Darren, someone who will make her smile, someone who will look after her and someone who will be there for her. I smiled at the thought of Paige's blessing of having a loving boyfriend like Darren but I couldn't help but feel slightly envious... When would it be my turn to be happy?

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