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Returning to school is like being told that your parents have cancelled your Netflix subscription

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Returning to school is like being told that your parents have cancelled your Netflix subscription.

In other words, it's horrible. Completely and utterly horrible.

The only nice thing about it is being able to see my friends and of course, Will - but he's arriving later due to spending the day with his family.

After the long duration of time it takes me to carry my belongings up the masses of stairs, I reach my dorm, opening the door to reveal Maddy, lying on her bed in a unicorn onesie.

"Mia!" She squeals, her eyes lighting up as she jumps off her bed to give me a hug. "How was your holiday? Tell me everything!"

I laugh at her outburst, moving into the room so that I can place my bags on the floor. It still looks the same - with our two lonely beds, the large window at the end and the various photos that we each have displaying on the walls.

Maddy's side is obviously messier than mine, considering none of my belongings are out, while hers are splayed across the floor randomly.

"It was good. You?"

"It was alright." She says, shrugging as she shuts the door. "Mum was working for the whole of it, so it was just dad and I."

"That sucks." I say, throwing her a sympathetic glance.

Just as I'm about to unzip my bag, two figures suddenly jump out from behind Maddy's bed, yelling at the top of their lungs.

I, being my mothers daughter, scream as loudly as I've ever done before, getting the shock of my life.

Irritatingly, it's only Amie and Emily, giggling as they watch my reaction, both dressed in pyjamas, looking ready for bed, despite the early hours of the afternoon.

"Gotcha!" Amie laughs, coming over to give me a hug.

Ducking under her arms, I stick out my tongue. "No. You don't get a hug from me after that."

"Too bad I'm here." A voice says behind me, and immediately I'm caught in Emily's arms, due to the fact that she grabs me before I have the chance to turn around. Cackling evilly, Amie joins, hugging both of us as I'm squished in the middle.

"Great." I say, voice muffled. "Just great."


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