Ch 19 Cold Prank

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You and Yoongi came home last night and from the game and the ride was a bit awkward. You and him went your guys's separate ways to your rooms. As you enter yours, you saw Jungkook sitting there on the bed. He looked at you as you dropped your backpack and jumped into the bed.

"Where did you guys go?" He asked confused on why you left him home alone. You sigh.

"I went to a basketball game with Yoongi." You said. Jungkook turned to you.

"You went on a date?" He asked.

"What? No!" You said in denial.

"So then what was it?" He asked. You shrug.

"I figured since Yoongi is letting us stay at his house, I would do something special for him." You lied. He nodded.

"Do you guys kiss?" He said with a grin. You threw a pillow at him.

"Yah!" You said. He giggled and held the pillow as a shield.

"You can't date my nemesis Y/N." He said. You grunt.

"I don't want to date him. Geez." You said. He eyed you down.

"Okay." He said plainly and turned his back to you.


You turn to your side, back faced, to Jungkook. It was silent for a while and he spoke again.

"Can you make me some food?" He said. You sigh and didn't move.

"Can we go eat-"

"And~! We're up!"


You whipped up a quick sandwich for Jungkook as he sat at the table. A figure walked into the kitchen from the dark.

"What are you guys doing?" Namjoon asked. You looked to the side as Namjoon was there. Namjoon began talking to Jungkook as you heard a loud shout.

"What?!" Namjoon said loudly. You shudder as Namjoon stormed to you.

"You and Yoongi went on a date?!" He said loudly. You gave him a weird look.

"What?" You said. He rolled his eyes and death glares you.

"Yah. Kim Y/N. Don't lie to me." He said sternly. You huffed.

"I went out with him for a basketball game, but it wasn't-"

"You guys went out?!" He yelled.

"No! Joonie-"

"Yah! Where is this Yoon-" You had enough.

"He's lonely!" You shouted out of no where. Your lungs hurt from yelling so loudly.

"You haven't even been home much! Even if you were, you're always working! Jungkook! You aren't even busy! You don't work! At least try to talk to him! I'm sick and tired of this... you guys don't even notice Yoongi..." Your breath started to get weary.

"I'm fine." You all turned to the kitchen entry as Yoongi stood there with Jin behind. Namjoon and Jungkook was quiet.

"You're not." You responded. He sighed.

"I understand your concern but, I'm fine." He said plainly. You felt a bit hurt hearing him say that.

Jin leaned himself up against the wall as you stormed off with Jungkook following behind. You quickly got to your room and Jungkook slowly shut the door behind as you jumped in the bed and covered your body with the blankets.

After all the time you were there protecting Yoongi. He finally made you feel hurt. You endured it and just sucked it up.

You felt Jungkook sunk into the bed next to you. His arms wrapped slowly around your body as you wiggled yourself off of him. A sigh was heard as he nuzzled his head into your neck. You rolled your eyes and flipped yourself over so you didn't feel him.

"You care too much..." he whispered.

"You and Namjoon... you guys care too much for random people... When they don't deserve it..." He said saying something else. You let his words sink into your ears as you drifted off to sleep.



You push the button in the coffee machine as the watering sound fell from it. Your eyes were baggy and you lazily slacked around to the table. Jungkook was sitting at the table silently with his phone. The sound of your plate hitting the table alarmed Jungkook and he tossed his phone back into his pocket.

"Are you still mad at me?..." He asked. You shoved your sandwich in your mouth and didn't respond.

"Y/N~" He let out. You just ate your morning food and sipped your coffee. You finally gave him a sweet, fake smile.

"Kookie. Sweetie. Of course I'm not." You said and went back to eating your sandwich. He bit his lip debating on what his next action was.

"Don't be mad~ I only was trying to protect you..." He said sighing. You wiped your mouth after you finished your food.

"I know, but that was unnecessary." You responded. He bit his lip.

"I'm sorry... I'm only worried for you." He said hanging his head low.


You sigh and took your plate and went to go wash it as he followed you. He hugged you from behind as you continued to finish washing your plate.

You placed it into the drying area and turned around making Jungkook get off of you.

"Yah, don't pull something like that again. I understand you want to look out for me, but I need you to keep somethings on a low profile for me okay?" You said. He pouted.

"But I'm going to lie to Namjoon hyung..." He said. You roll your eyes.

"Don't say you haven't done it before." You shot back. He giggled.

"Yeah. Your right. I'm going to shower in a bit." He responded. You ruffle his hair and startled to walk up to your guys's room. Around the corner, you bumped into Yoongi.

"Sorry." He said coldly and walked past you. You stood there blankly and scoff.


The door creaked open as you changed and tossed on your bag. You decided to visit Jhope since you started to miss your friend. After you finished, you heard the sound of the shower turn on.

A devilish smirk plastered across your face.

Jungkook. Payback.

You went to go grab a bucket and cane back. You quietly laugh to yourself and saw the door slightly creaked open.

You left it open silly.

You creeped your way over and slowly opened the door. The fog stuffed your face as you slowly stepped in the bathroom.

After you silently filled the bucket with cold water, you gently placed it onto of the shower curtains. You flipped the bucket letting all the water spill onto the him.

"What the hell?!" You heard loudly. You froze.

Wait. This isn't Kookie-

You made a bolt for the door as you quickly tossed back onto your bag and keys. You made a b-line for your car as you jumped into it.

Yoongi didn't see me right? He didn't right?...

I'm seriously crazy...

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