Ch 23 Allergic Reaction

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It was the next day and Yoongi had another meeting and of course, he brought you with.

"Yah, do I really have to go to all these meetings?" You asked. He nodded.

"I'll feed you after." He said unbuckling his seat belt.

"I feel like a dog..." You said in a low voice. He snorted.

"Let's go." He said and you got out as well.

What Jungkook said last night stayed in your mind as you recalled what he said.

"I think you're in a deal..."

You groan flashing back to it.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I think Jin and Yoongi are dealing you. I think they're closer than we think..."

You bumped into the glass door as Yoongi shut it on you.

"Watch the door." You heard Yoongi say as your head bumped into it already. The glass door quivered as you slowly entered it. Surprisingly, there wasn't any fans in the front which was a bit confusing.

"Don't get lost." Yoongi said walking into a hall. You quickly followed behind and lost your train of thought as he enter another room of men. Again, not a single women.

Are they sexist?...

You sat down next to Yoongi, again and they all stared at you. This time you decided to introduce yourself before the men questioned your appearance.

"Hello. I'm Kim Y/N. I work for Min Yoongi as a body guard If you have any questions about me, please feel free to ask." You said. Murmur filled the room like before.

As you scanned the room, you noticed there was less people.

Did Yoongi not get the other contract from before?...

You shrugged it off as they began their discussion.


Your phone went off on the meeting and you ended the call immediately.

"Sorry..." you said with a awkward laugh. They continued but your phone however, went off again.

"I'm sorry." You said and walked outside to pick up the call. There was a corner in the hall and you quickly walked to it, picking up the phone.

"Hello?" You said. The line was silent.

"Where are you?" Namjoon said in a serious tone. You got worried.

"I'm out with Yoongi at his meeting, why?" You said.

"Come to the hospital now." He said. Your mind started to spin.

"What's happening? Is it Hobi? What's wrong?" You said.

"Hurry." He said before hanging up. You started to worry for your friend and looked into the glass doors. Yoongi gave you a weird look.

"I have to go." You mouthed to him. You walked off, not even noticing what he may have said back. You decided to take a bus since you didn't have Yoongi's keys anyways.

After arriving hurriedly to the hospital, you ran around worried for Hoseok.

"Where is Jung Hoseok's room?" You said out of breath.

"Are you his family?" The lady asked.

"His friend. Please, just let me see him." You said huffing.

"Ma'am only the immedia-"

"Please! Let me see him!" You yelled causing the entire area of people to look in your direction. The lady look hesitant but soon pointed to a room.

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