Superpowers (Full Story)

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The main character got his superpowers from alien orb technology of a dead extraterrestrial race. The orb can only be used three times before it needs to be recharged to use it again kinda like a genie lamp but since the race is dead it can't be recharged. The 1st (first) time it was given to Moses staff to part the red sea and gave him a long life, the 2nd (second) time it was given to Merlin the Magician staff from Arthurian legend to use and have magic and the 3rd (third) time it was given and used on an actual human for the first time and gave him the ability to use any superpower like a wish (there is no word in the human vocabulary to describe how it works) but also made him immortal as a side effect and it is the only known side effect on humans.

Only was able to activate it by saying let me help people or a variation of that sentence but didn't figure out until later that how it was activated. It may have been a technology used by a Type IV/4, Type V/5, or Type VI/6 alien race on the Kardashev scale but also may have been technology of a Tier 0: Transsentient race on the scale used in Halo series.

The Earth he lives on is not his birth Earth. His Earth is Earth-0 where every time a work of fiction is created it becomes reality in another new universe in the multiverse but is completely unknown to everyone on his Earth besides himself. He his the only person from his planet to have superpowers.

He has used his superpowers to create automatic defenses such as attack a nerve cluster they shut down or skin and organ harden once a bullet goes inside his body but only if hostages are in front or behind him. He is every tier yet none of them he can go to Tier 11 to Tier 0 or Tier 12 to Tier 0: Boundless.

Tier 0: "Tier Infinity"

Beyond 0

Tier -1

Tier ∞

Tier -999

Tier Beyond All

Minionversal LVL-C: Minionversial to Ocean Tier. Can also go Beyond Supreme Tier.

Tiering System and Tiering System

Has the ability to create his own fictional character and bring fictional character and items to life. An example is he can create a million assassin and hitman and he can make them more skilled than any assassin and hitman in the real world and fictional world. If he wanted to he could make them so skilled that they can defeat people in under or at 30 seconds such as Deathstroke, Batman, Ninjak, Ra's al Ghul and his daughters Nyssa and Talia, and Lady Shiva. He could also make 10 assassin/hitman that could defeat every Court of Owl Talon without breaking a sweat and they could if he wished it easily defeat the League of Shadow members from DC Comics Universe Rebirth storyline.

He later found out that every planet with intelligent life forms in his universe got an orb but only one person on that planet get one during its third use and every final use it gives that life form one power and supposedly according to myth or rumors they are supposed to get together to fight a big multiversal/paraversal threat that may be bigger than every universe in the multiverse combined and may be bigger than any fictional character that has ever existed and that would take every being who got a orb to work together. If he was to fight this threat by himself he would stand a very small chance to defeat it unless he brought to life every fictional character that has ever existed and duplicate them between 100 times to 100 million times. He has never used more than one percent of his true power out of 100 percent. No one knows about his powers.

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