Vampires vs Human (Massacre Fight Scene)

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This story idea is similar to the Extraterrestrials vs Human (Massacre Fight Scene) story idea but different that it involves vampires.

Basically, this is a story idea for a one-sided massacre fight scene on the human side meaning that this single human male massacres the vampires in a fight.

This fight scene and story idea can take place in two possible settings.

One: In a warehouse and in this story idea certain groups of people hunt vampires to keep them in check and to keep it a secret from the rest of the world.

Two: In the afterworld. Afterworld is just the name that is given after vampires take over the world and there is a resistance to fight them.

The fight scene starts out as 1,001 vampires vs one average looking male human. The one (1) at the end of a thousand will be showed/explained later just like the extraterrestrials story idea.

The human faces off a thousand vampires in a fight that later turned into a massacre.

The human flexed his muscles and he did a body shake and the next thing that happened a second or two later was the thousand vampires had fallen over dead and the human is covered in vampiric blood. As you take a closer look at the vampires you can see a thousand of them have all their heads decapitated by a blunt instrument and their hearts literally ripped out of their bodies with a hole where the heart should be.

The vampires could see what happened but if a human watched it whether in person or via video recording they wouldn't be able to see what happened.

Because if the story took place in the warehouse then the MC/Main Character put a time stop in the entire warehouse so if a human or vampire was to walk in and close the door then the human or vampire would be submitted to the time stop.

Of course, each vampire is individual submitted at the same time to the time stop while the warehouse is submitted to it too. So if he didn't turn off each individual time stop on the vampire right before the kill and then reactivated the time stop then the end scene would look weird. He has to touch the vampire to activate and deactivate the Individual time stop.

He allows one vampire to live to pass on the story of what happened there.

Time for some backstory into the vampires. One vampire in this story idea is equal to 10 modern strongmen in regards to strength. Their intelligence can vary. Their training can vary to be good as a special forces operator. There have all the strength of a vampire but none of the weaknesses. Meaning no weakness to silver, sunlight/UV, garlic, cross, fire, etc. They feed on blood but not a lot and they can survive for a while. The strongest vampires can survive on a single blood bag for decades if not a hundred years. Physically a vampire looks no different than a human.

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