Star Wars Video Game (Story Idea/Game Idea)

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A Star Wars video game that is a mixture of Star Wars 1313 and the canceled Prey 2 video game.

It would be a joint venture between LucasArts, EA, Disney, LucasFilm, and other companies and Human Head Studios, Bethesda Softworks, Arkane, 3D Realms, ZeniMax Media, etc.

It would also be a mixing pot of the footage we saw for Star Wars 1313 and Prey 2.

It would be alternating gameplay between the two characters, the character from footage gameplay for Star Wars 1313 and a new original character hunting the other guy for some reason and the character is based on the character from the Prey 2 cinematic trailer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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