How To Trap An Immortal (Story Idea)

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This is a story idea that will be continuously updated once I think or come up with another idea for this story idea.

I came up with the first idea while watching the premiere of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on the AMC HD TV cable channel or more specifically the gold scenes between the hobbit and the dwarves with Smaug.

In this story idea, this is the first idea of how to trap an immortal.

1: You get a metal box or rectangular box about how tall the immortal is or taller than the box and then you pour the molten metal inside of the box with the immortal inside it. The metal can be anything ranging from gold, steel, iron, titanium, or any other metal. And depending on the kind of immortal you are dealing with such as an immortal or can't die or comes back to life or regenerates from any and all wounds. You basically let the metal cool and the immortal is trapped within the block of metal until he can break out or someone breaks it open or he can be trapped indefinitely.

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