Vampires (story)

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Vampires are affected by a disease and virus hybrid. If a human or animal drinks vampire blood, they become vampires and it doesn't matter how big or how small the amount of blood you drink you become a full vampire, the only way to become a half-breed is by a female vampire getting impregnated by a human vampire or a male vampire impregnating a human female. It's unknown if a pregnant women baby would turn into a vampire or a half-breed if the mother is bitten. They are allergic to the sun and silver but not garlic or crosses. They technically don't have canine teeth, those are made by harvesting animal canine teeth or by making them using animal bone. They have normal human strength, durability, eyesight, intelligence, speed, no night vision etc. but strength and other can be increased via training. They are immortal because the virus stopped the aging process and the vampires still haven't figured out without finding the original carrier also known as Patient Zero in modern terms or by finding the virus and disease hybrid origin point. They have no clue who the original patient zero is and there were trying to find him or her for a very long time. Vampires have theories that the original virus and disease hybrid no longer exists and the ones affected are affected by a mutation of the original one and another theory is the virus/disease hybrid came from a meteorite, asteroid, comet, etc. from space.

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