The Gods Story (Full Story)

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This is a fictional story about the various gods and goddesses from mythology and religion.

So the characters in the story also known as gods all from every mythology and religion out there in the real world.

The gods we know are not gods but are lifeforms like us but not like us. Similar to Fifth Dimensional Imps from DC Comics. Those names for the characters as a whole are a working title.

Name Examples:

Lifeforms Out of Time
Lifeforms Out of Place
Lifeforms From A Time Long Gone
Lifeforms From A Time Long Forgotten
Lifeforms From A Place Long Gone

What we know as gods from mythology and religion are not gods but lifeforms from the place before. The Place before means the universe that existed before ours even existed. It was universe located what is now called a dimension but when it exploded (for reason or reasons unknown) it opened up a "portal" also known as a "tear" which caused the explosion to "leak" out into what is now known as our universe (which looked like "The Empty" from the Supernatural TV show before the portal opened). So before the portal opened into the universe it was nothingness.

Those lifeforms were the most advanced and oldest beings in their universe but in that universe, they were completely normal. It wasn't until they "popped" into our universe that they got powers, abilities, godly powers, etc.

Since the beginning of our universe, they just bided their time until other lifeforms came into existence. Which didn't happened for half of the lifetime of the universe and after that time intelligent lifeforms came into existence. They kept looking for the right lifeforms and it wasn't until 300,000 years (by those years I'm referring to Earth). They came across humans and decided upon us to do whatever they felt like which as we now know it was to spread themselves to other lifeforms as stories, religion, and mythology.

The titles of the gods (lifeforms) were just titles, household names, and the names of their clan/family. Some of the names were names given to inanimate objects, household items, plants, food, etc in their home universe. And these names they just used and repurposed to create and exaggerated stories of themselves. Some of the stories had certain truths to them. But when they created these stories, the ideas and the other information in these stories were decided at random.

These lifeforms are not immortal but they live for a very long time and even now in this story idea they are still alive because they haven't come across the age of when they are most likely to die. When I'm referring to immortality, they can age and die but they just haven't discovered it yet.

In their home universe, Thor's hammer was just that a commonly used hammer that was used for construction. The ability to return to Thor was actually a feature of those hammers to prevent injury to the user or other people when the hammer drops, falls or gets thrown. The gloves were used to prevent injury when using the hammer such as hitting fingers and prevent possible harm to the user when it returns to their hand.

In their home universe, Zeus's lightning bolt was just a lightning-shaped device that is used to store and discharged electricity into certain items. It also doubled as a taser.

In their home universe, Fenrir (Old Norse: "fen-dweller"), Fenrisúlfr (Old Norse: "Fenrir's wolf"/"Fenris-wolf"), Hróðvitnir ("fame-wolf") and/or Vánagandr ("monster of the [River] Ván") was a common household pet similar to how cats and dogs are a common household pet.  

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