The Immortal Time Changer (Story Idea)

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This is a time traveling, immortal and history changing story idea.

The story idea is about this fictional character who is immortal who was able to figure out how to time travel 500 years ago before the 21st century but didn't have the things available to him to time travel when he figures out how to so he had to wait until the world was advanced enough for him.

The things he changes are basically laws and other related things to protect himself if he ever comes out or gets revealed. And those laws disappear so they can never get repealed or changed because people forget about them ever existing. Hence why there are so many laws in the world that people break and never realize it because there are too many laws that exist in the world.

There are things that time travel related TV shows got right. Such as you can't time travel to a time or place where you already time traveled. But they are loopholes to that such as if you get facial reconstructive surgery to look like someone else or you get prosthetics makeup to change yourself. And you can time travel to the same place or time as long as your two selves don't cross paths or you are in one place while you're other self is in other place like you time travel to Washington, DC and your past self is in Texas even though it's the same time, year, and date.

And you can't time travel to certain places as mentioned by Rip Hunter from Legends of Tomorrow TV shows such as Jesus crucifixion. And one of the things that apply to that is you can't time travel to the place where the main character became immortal since he was the first immortal in the history of planet Earth.

He also likes to collect things or knowledge that was lost to history or disappeared like the Ark of the Covenant.  

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