Forbidden Aliens & Earth

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This story idea is about extraterrestrials and Earth.

In the past there was an accident with an alien spacecraft that landed on an asteroid and exploded, knocking the asteroid off course. Which came crashing down to Earth and wiping out the dinosaurs. So the aliens came to Earth to make sure they were no debris of the spacecraft which there wasn't.

Fast forward to the time of the caveman, the same species came to Earth to check out how the planet was doing and they discovered the caveman/humans and how violent they were and passed a galactic law that made the planet off-limits to all extraterrestrials for an unknown amount of time. And if anyone broke this law the entire extraterrestrial species that broke the law would be wiped out and killed including male, females, and children.

This takes places in the real world. No alien species ever visited Earth even though people think they did in the past.

This story idea was inspired and I thought it up when I was watching Ancient Aliens: Declassified episode where they were talking about alien weapons and about extraterrestrials visiting Earth in the past.

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