Escanor (Seven Deadly Sins) vs Superman (DC)

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This is really just an idea for a fight scene and some questions like What effect would Escanor's sun-related powers from Seven Deadly Sins have on Superman from the DC universe? By DC universe I'm referring to the DC universe as a whole I'm not referring to the DCEU because if I was I would say DCEU.

So why not boost or supercharge Superman while at the same time weakening him since it is the sun but also it's magic.

So, the fight scene could go like this. Escanor uses him sun-related powers on Superman such as Sunshine and it's techniques known as Cruel Sun, Pride Flare, and/or Crazy Prominence. And the results are it powers him up while slowly poisoning him or vice versa.

Plus what effect would Superman punching Escanor have since he is a human and Superman is an alien/extraterrestrial known as a Kryptonian. What durability feats does Escanor have in regards to a punch? Would Superman having an armor suit to block the magic while absorbing the sun even work? Since Escanor is known for melting armor with his Cruel Sun technique.

What about Superman punching the Cruel Sun or using heat vision? It could hurt him while Superman's punch destroys the attack or sends it back.

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