chapter 6- the confrontation

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Kelly and Sammy arrive at school and go their separate ways. Sammy sees Charlotte and runs up to her as she's walking through the car park. "hey char!" Sammy says. charlotte turns around gives Sammy and evil look and says "what do you want fag!?" Sammy looks at her and says "what the fuck did you just call me!?" starting to lose her temper. A few minutes into maths class Kelly and Sammy are having a convocation about the work before Kelly walks back to her desk. Charlotte "Sam". "what do you want?" Sam asks. "your one big....fat.....fucking dyke you know that?" charlotte replies trying to impress her friends. Getting angry Sammy gets up so fast from her chair the force knocks the chair over. Walking towards charlotte Sammy asks "what the hell did you just call me!?." feeling big Charlotte gets up from her chair until shes face to face with Sammy "you herd" before she punches Sammy "i know what your doing..... Your in love with the teacher. I mean that! Thing of a teacher! Get a friggin grip Sam!" charlotte says as she walks closer and closer to Sam. She retaliates and reply's "you did not just say that" before pushing charlotte to the floor and fighting with her. Charlotte gets up and smashes Sammy's head against the metal filing cabinet. Sammy lays the unconscious. Miss smith hears a bang she looks over and then comes running over worried about Sam and checks that Shes breathing. Sam wakes up wiry about what happened. Sam gets up and leaves the class after shouting "don't follow me!". Kelly stands there with a tear in here eye worrying about Sammy and if she's okay. Kelly turns to the rest of the class "right sit down now!" she says to the class following the commotion. Charlotte starts laughing "and you! Get out of my class now!" kelly shouts.

Is Sammie okay? Will char tell about Kelly and Sammie? Stay tuned for chapter 7

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