chapter 14

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Two weeks later. Kelly is very quiet, not herself and hardly eating. The couple were suffering as they were hardly speaking and not sleeping together.

It was Monday morning. Kelly had got up and gone to work before Sammy had woken up. Sammy met Hannah and Gemma then walked with them to school. They walked to the common room where charlotte and Maddie were sitting. Sammy put her bag down and went to Kelly's office. She opened the door and saw Kelly sitting at her desk with her head in her hands. She gets a seat and puts it at Kelly's desk and sits down. "Kelly, look at me?" Sammy says. Kelly slowly sits up and looks at Sammy "I'm sorry... I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?" she says. Sammy gets a tear in her eyes and replies "i want to be with you. Yeah, i was hurt when you told me that you were pregnant but it was before me and you got together, i would have loved that baby as if he or she was my own. But right now i have you... Don't i?" Kelly looks at her girlfriend with a shocked expression on her face. "really?... You want to take me back after what i did!?" Kelly replies. Sammy gets up off her chair and goes round to Kelly's side of the table and sits on the edge of the table. She looks into kelly's eyes "you lost your baby. Its not your fault, these things happen and we don't know why. Now are you going to come back home? Its super super quiet without you" as she smiles. Kelly smiles back and leans in and kisses Sammy, she places her hands on Kelly's hips. Kelly places her hands on Sammy's cheeks and looks into her eyes before passionately kissing her again. Kelly stops and puts her hand on sams chest and says "ill see you at home" and smiles. Sammy opens the door and notices rose O'Donnell her ex standing there with her arms crossed. Rose says "gone for a teacher now have we!?"

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