chapter 13- bad news

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After Sammy kicks the door and walks off in anger Miss Chelsea looks at Kelly and says "can you come in please...we need to talk" as she opens the door and Kelly walks in and takes a seat. "What the hell just happened out there between you and Sammy?" Miss Chelsea asks furiously. Kelly looks at the door, takes a deep breath and replies "I don't know. From what she just said sounds like she wants to be left alone." Miss Chelsea asks "can you find out what's up with her please, she's told me it's about her girlfriend and some other heavy business but I'm certain that there's something else. I want you to gain her trust and find out what's actually happening." Kelly answers "yes, I will try because I hate seeing such a lovely student with so much potential just letting it go to waste because of some silly little thing that's going on between her and her girlfriend that I'm sure is really sorry and never meant to hurt her." Miss Chelsea looks at Kelly suspiciously and replies "do you know this person? Who Sammy is dating?" Kelly answers "no. but I'm sure she is really sorry?" miss Chelsea sits back in her chair and replies "yes you have a point there. Okay well I'll talk to you later right now I have to go and teach some annoying year 9's who I'm pretty sure all look at my back-side" and then they both laugh and say goodbye as miss Chelsea locks her office and runs off to her p.e lesson. 

The first two lessons are maths. Sammy walks in with black eyes from where she hasn't slept properly. She slams her bag on the table. Sits down and lays her head on the table. As there Is no-one in the class yet Kelly approaches Sammy and sits next to her and says "I love you" Sammy opens her eyes and replies "I love you too. But you hurt me and you know it." Kelly puts her hand on Sammy's shoulder and says "I know and I can't explain how sorry I am because words can't explain. But Sammy I want you to raise this baby with me. I want to have this baby with you and for us to be a family?". Sammy sits up and holds Kelly's hand and says "okay. But only because I love you" then she leans over and kisses Kelly and puts her hand on Kelly's stomach. Kelly pulls Sammy towards her and passionately kisses her before the bell rings for the first lesson. Kelly says "I've got a scan. After work tonight. Come with me?" Sammy smiles and quickly runs up to Kelly and kisses her and holds her hips replies "sure". Sammy goes back to her table and takes her seat.

Charlotte walks in and sits two chairs away from Sammy. She sits back and says "i hate her!" Whilst looking at Kelly. Sammy looks at Charlotte and asks "why?". Charlotte looks back at Sammy and smirks at her and doesn't say anything else. Kelly and Sammy kept on looking over at each other and smiling. 

After school Kelly meets sam outside the gates so they can go to the scan. They arrive at the hospital and hold each other’s hands as they walk to the maternity ward. They check-in and wait for their scan. "I'm sorry about how i acted this morning telling you to fucking leave me alone. I was angry" sam says. Kelly strokes Sammy’s hand and replies "i deserved it". The nurse stands at the door and says "Kelly smith?" they both walk into the room and Kelly lays on the bed the doctor starts the scan and starts to look worried after 10 minutes of Kelly and Sammy worrying the doctor stands up and says "im very sorry to have to say this to you but there was no heartbeat" Kelly and Sammy each other as kelly cries. They walk out upset and holding hands. "its okay baby im here for you." Sammy says as she puts her arm around Kelly.

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