chapter 18 (part 1)- misunderstood

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Kelly stands at the front of the classroom with a look of shock and disbelief on her face. "erm excuse me? How can you spring one of those stupid accusations on me? Just because my life is finally looking brighter. It does not mean that i am with a student! I'm Not stupid i don't want to lose my job for being with a student. I can’t believe you thought i was so sick! Detention tomorrow break!" Kelly shouts. everyone in the class looks shocked. Even Sammy. Chloe replies "miss I'm really sorry it was meant to be a bit of banter" she says with a sympathetic tone of voice. Kelly looks at her and then walks out of the class. Kelly sits on the floor with her head in her hands and breathes. Miss Chelsea walks in the corridor and Kelly on the floor. "Kelly? What’s up?" Miss Chelsea asks as she sits down next to her friend. "the kids think I'm dating a student" Kelly replies as she cries. Miss Chelsea replies a few moments later "are you?" she says in a calm voice as She notices the engagement ring on Kelly’s finger.  Kelly doesn’t reply. Miss Chelsea takes a deep breath before replying "okay, ill go and talk to them. Chin up though girl, come and see me in the office later okay". 

Miss Chelsea walks into the class and walks to the front "right Chloe do you want to tell me what you just accused miss smith of!?" she says. Chloe looks up and looks upset and says "i was out of order. I was trying to make some banter. I asked her if it was true that she’s engaged to a student. I didn't mean anything by it". Miss Chelsea takes a deep breath as shes angry and walks out of the class. She passes Kelly and says "come see me later" as she pats her shoulder. The end of the lesson bell rings and everyone walks out. 

Sammy walks past she stops and says "don’t worry. I love you" and then she walks off to lesson.

Sammy had sociology lunch maths and physics before she could see Kelly again. 

It was the end if the day. Sammy rushed out of physics and went to the English block (E block for short). She went to Kelly's class E14. She walked in and shut the door. "hey baby" Sammy says as she walks towards her. "hey babe can you wait in the car i need to see Miss Chelsea" Kelly says as she gives sam her car keys and walks out to see Miss Chelsea.

Sam goes to the car and waits. 

Kelly walks into Tanya's office and shuts the door. Tanya turns round facing Kelly and says "you are aren't you?" as she smiles. Kelly replies "i love her please don’t fire me" Tanya smiles "its Sammy Brooks isn't it?" she asks. Kelly looks up and replies "yeah. Why you so happy?". "im happy for you. And also because she’s my niece. I know her mum will be okay with it. Your my best friend and I’m happy for you.  me and her are close" Tanya says. Kelly smiles and says "well im living with Sam so how about you come over ours tonight? About 7-30?". Tanya smiles and hugs Kelly and replies "sure id love to. Thank you" Kelly smiles and walks out to her car to meet Sammy who’s waiting. She gets into her car and looks at Sammy and asks “why didn’t you tell me your aunt is my best friend?”. Sammy smiles “sorry baby, i didn’t think about it. Is everything okay?”. “Everything’s fine. I’ve invited her over tonight for dinner”  kelly replies. Sammy sighs with relief “well we’d better get home then mustn’t we” before kelly starts driving

L.O.V.E (Lesbian Stories) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora