chapter 12- leave me alone

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After Sammy found out Kelly was pregnant she couldn't talk to her or even look at her because she was so upset inside even though she looked happy on the outside. Although Sammy knew that girl "amazing" girlfriend had been unfaithful, with a guy. She decides to go out for a walk and sits in the local park so that she could think of what had just happened because she still couldn't believe how untruthful Kelly had been and that she is pregnant from a one night stand that she had. Sammy sat on the bench thinking to herself ''why didn't she tell me that she could be pregnant? I mean come on she's supposed to 'love me' if she really loved me that much she would say I slept with someone a few weeks back and there could be a chance I'm pregnant but no she left it until I found the test in my girlfriend's bathroom cupboard for her to say I think I'm pregnant. Obviously it isn't mine because I'm a woman but I love her so much and I want to do good by her put up and shut up if I love Kelly'' Sammy sat at the bench for over 3 and a half hours. But with 10 missed phone calls and 15 messages saying 'where are you?' and 'please text me, I'm worried about you' She finally decides to message Kelly back saying 'come to Redwood park we need to talk'.

Within half an hour Sammy sees Kelly approaching her in her red coat and high heeled shoes, Kelly smiles as she sees Sammy. she stands up to greet Kelly. They both sit down side by side '' are you okay Sammy?'' Kelly asks. Which was a silly question. A very annoyed Sammie replies "who's the father?" "Adam Wilson. I met him at a night club whilst celebrating getting the teaching job at the school. But it didn't mean anything it was just a random get together that resulted in me accidentally getting pregnant. I'll leave if you want me to, but just know that I never meant for any of this to happen and I should have told you before we got together." Kelly replies. Sam takes a deep breath, looks at Kelly and replies " you have no idea how much I love you, from the first time I even saw you when I walked into that room, late I thought she's a lovely girl and I bet she couldn't hurt a fly. But what you did hurt me really bad. I actually thought I had found a truthful lovely lady but no there all the same. Liars! I thought you were different!" before Kelly could say anything to defend herself Sammy got up and walked off. Kelly let her walk off because she needed to calm down.

Sammy got home and went to her room she was in tears because of how hurt she felt by Kelly. She lays on her bed and notices Kelly's top is at the end of the bed, she picks it up and holds it close to her chest. She goes down to the fridge and gets out the bottle of champagne that night she drank the whole bottle before stumbling to bed after getting a huge glass of water so she isn't hangover in the morning.

Kelly goes back to her flat thinking "I defiantly deserved that. I should have told her. I understand why she acted like that tonight and if I'm honest... I deserved it. I'm going to try and talk to her at school and I guess I've got to take how she acts. I'm the one that's been dishonest, not Sammy. I love that girl to pieces, I need to show her that I'm sorry" Kelly makes her dinner and tries to sleep but she keeps thinking of Sammy.

The next morning at school Sammy tries to avoid Kelly. she gets called into Miss Chelsea's office. Sammy's still a little bit tipsy so she stands by the filing cabinet so she doesn't fall over. "Sam are you okay because you look a bit rough?" Miss Chelsea asks. Sammy takes a breath and replies "well no not really, considering stuff at home". Her aunt closes the door so it is just them two in the room. She pulls out her chair at her desk and says "sit down I want you to talk to me about this". Sam takes a seat and says "what is this some sort of counseling session?" miss Chelsea laughs and replies "no you idiot your my niece and i love you. And by what how you look i know one, you've had a crap weekend and two you're either ill or hangover am I right or am I right?" Sammy looks at the floor and replies "okay yeah your right". Tanya sighs "right. Ill pretends I didn't hear that 'h' bit but what has happened?" Sam sits back in her chair and replies "well... I came out to mum, that went fine. My girlfriend moved in. Went into the bathroom one day to brush my teeth and looked in the cupboard and I found a pregnancy test. It defiantly wasn't mine and it wasn't mum's because she isn't there so it was my girlfriends. She took the test and it came back positive. I was fuming she should have told me that there could have been a chance that she was pregnant before me and her even got together." Tanya looked shocked and says "wow Sam that is very heavy. Are you okay though? What are you going to do about your girlfriend and the baby?". Sam looks at her phone wallpaper of her and Kelly and replies "I want to be with her but she's carrying another man's baby. I want to be there for her, I'm not sure if I want to raise the baby as my own or not but one thing I do know is that I want to be with my girlfriend even though she's really hurt me and she knows that she has". Tanya replies "you're being really grown up about this you know that right?" as she smiles at Sammy. She replies "thanks, and I've got to go I need to get some fresh air." As she picks her bag up and gets out of her seat. She opens the door and Kelly's there. Kelly smiles and says "Sam!". Sammy looks at Kelly and says "leave me the fuck alone!" as she walks past Kelly and boots the outside door open. Tanya looks at Kelly confused and shouts "Sam!!" and Kelly looks at sam and replies "no, it's okay, leave her". "Miss Smith do you what's happened? are you my nieces girlfriend?" asks miss Chelsea.

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