chapter 16

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The room falls into silence. Everyone except for Sammy stares at Kelly. Who smiles and replies "no Charly I'm not into girls, now please everyone continue on with the task". Then Amy Ellis shouts "but you have a girlfriend don't you!?" Kelly looks shocked and replies "...yeah i have a girlfriend and I'm a lesbian, okay? What’s wrong with that? Gay and bi people are just as equal as straight people, do you not agree?" everyone stays silent with shock. Moments later everyone claps because they’re happy for their teacher. Someone says "miss is she pretty? How old is she? How long have you been with her?" Kelly smiles and looks at Sammy "no, she’s absolutely gorgeous, I’ve been with her now for 4 months and shes the same age as me, 24" the whole class say "awww". The bell rings saying that its the end of school. Everyone gets ready and leaves to go home, but sam stays in her seat. Everyone leaves. Kelly walks up slowly to sam. Sam says "i really really want to kiss you right now!" as she stands up and Kelly places her hand on Sammy's cheek, looks into her eyes before passionately kissing Sammy. She holds Kelly's hips and pulls away from the kiss. "let’s go home" and gives her one last kiss before picking her bag up, putting it on her shoulder and walks to the door and holds it open. Kelly grabs her bag and walks out the door with sam.

They arrive home and hurry inside before passionately making love to each other. When they’re done they lay holding each other. Sammy kisses Kelly and says "come on let’s go get ready". Kelly gets up and starts to get dressed in black skin-tight jeans with a redshirt. Sammy watches her as she gets ready. Kelly looks in the mirror and sees Sammy looking at her. Kelly smiles and says "c'mon misses get ready my beautiful dingbat" and smiles. Sammy smiles back and gets up and gets changed into a red checkered shirt with the sleeves rolled down with black jeans and red plimsolls. As Sammy’s getting ready Kelly goes and waits downstairs. She jumps on the bed and reaches over to her bedside cabinet and picks up a little black box. Sammy smiles and walks downstairs. "you ready babe?" Sammy shouts as she picks her keys up and checks she has money in her wallet along with the theatre tickets. Sam smiles as she sees Kelly. They walk to the train station and collect their first-class tickets for London st Pancras. 

Two hours later they arrive at st Pancras and walk to the Apollo theatre. They walk hand in hand and stop in front of the building. Kelly smiles at sam "what are we going to see baby?" Sammy looks into Kelly's eyes, smiles, and replies "your favorite west end musical". Kelly has a huge smile on her face and says "wicked!!!!" as she hugs sam and sam holds her hips and smiles. They kiss before going into the theatre. 

When the musical finishes Kelly and sam walk hand in hand along the river Thames talking about like and joking around. Just as they walk past the London eye sam stops and faces Kelly, holding both of her hands. "ive got a surprise for you. But i don't want you to think its too soon, but i love you to pieces so...." Sammy gets down on one knee and opens the black box to reveal a silver ring with a single diamond on the top. Kelly smiles but looks shocked "what are you doing babe?" Sammy looks up at Kelly "will you marry me?"

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