chapter 17 -the fairytale?

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Kelly cry's with happiness and says "yes i will marry you". Sammy takes the ring and puts it on Kelly's finger, before passionately kissing her new fiancee. After a few minutes, they stop. Sammy starts to cry with happiness, Kelly looks at her, smiles and hugs her "come on beautiful let's go home". They walk back to the train station hand in hand.

After two hours they arrive back at their house. Sammy puts the kettle on and makes two cups of tea before sitting at the table with Kelly. "thank you so much for tonight, for taking me to see wicked" Kelly says. "you are so so welcome my beautiful princess" Sammy replies as she kisses Kelly. Kelly finishes her tea and says "right, I'm going to bed. Are you joining me?" she winks. Sammy's face lights up, she quickly finishes her tea, grabs Kelly's hand and they run upstairs laughing before making love to each other.

The next morning Sammy wakes up and goes and makes Kelly her favorite breakfast, eggs and soldiers. She takes the breakfast up to Kelly who's still in bed. "surprise breakfast in bed" Sammy smiles and gives Kelly her breakfast. Sammy goes to her wardrobe and gets a set of keys out. "you know we're engaged and your living with me yeah?" Sammy says. Kelly Smiles and replies "yes honey bun". Sammy sits on the bed facing Kelly and she says "i want you to officially move in" and hands Kelly a set of keys to her house. Kelly smiles and kisses Sammy. "thankyou" Kelly says as she smiles. "right we've got to get ready" Kelly says as she gets up. They get ready and leave their house.

15 minutes later they arrive at school. They kiss each other goodbye and go their separate ways. Until they meet again in fourth period. Sammy gets to the lesson early so she can see her fiancée.

The lesson starts. Half an hour or so into the lesson someone points out that Miss Smith is wearing a ring. "miss your engaged!?" asks Chloe Adams. Sam smiles. Kelly smiles and replies "yes Chloe, myself and my girlfriend are engaged". "but Miss i heard that shes a student at this school!?" Chloe replies. Kelly looks shocked.

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