chapter 11- The test

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It's 4am, Sam wakes up in the morning to hear the phone is ringing. "hello??" a very sleepy Sammy says. "hey darling its mum, change of plan me and your dad are staying two extra months because our contacts have been extended. But anyway babe how are you, all okay at home on your own.?" Jill asks. "mum i need to tell you something and i don't want you to worry or be mad okay.?" Sammy replies. A calm voice replies "yes darling what is it?". Sammy tried to calm her self down and trying to think about what she'll say. She replies"well mum... I'm Gay. I have a girlfriend and she's moved in." A few moments passed of awkward silence. "that's amazing, beautiful. And that is absolutely fine. I am so happy for you and I’m proud to call you my daughter and i cant wait to meet your girlfriend. What is she called?" Jill asks. A very shocked Sammy replies "she's called Kelly and thank you for accepting me. I love you". Jill replies "your so welcome and i love you too, oh and tell Kelly i said hello. Now i have to go because your fathers calling on the other line. Stay safe and remember i love you. Bye."  "bye mum" Sammy replies before putting the phone down. She slowly goes back upstairs and stands in the doorway of her room and says "i just came out to my mum and dad" before laying down on her bed to a sound asleep Kelly. "what?" Kelly asks. "i just came out to my mum and dad" Sammy repeats. "well-done babe" Kelly replies before she kisses her and falls back to sleep. 

After a few months of having a happy relationship. Sammy goes into the bathroom to brush her teeth and finds a "clear blue" pregnancy testing kit in the cupboard. She picks it up and looks shocked. Thinking "this isn't mine and its definitely not mums...... Shit..... It’s Kelly's!" 

Sammy pulls out a seat from the table and sits down staring at the box. "Kelly, can you come here please?" Sammy says. Putting the box on her lap. Kelly walks into the kitchen smiling and takes a seat at the table "what's up babe?" she asks. "is there anything i need to know Kelly?" Sammy asks. "no why do you ask that?" Kelly says. Sammy puts the box on the table. "because i found that. In the bathroom cupboard " Sammy replies angrily. A tearful Kelly replies "Sam I'm so sorry. I should have told you this morning when i bought the test." Sammy holds Kelly's hand and reply's "it’s okay". "i still need to go an take it" Kelly replies. As she picks up the box. Sam sits at the table and holds Kelly's hand and says "okay ill wait here" Sam says. Kelly gets up and goes and takes the test. 

A minute later Kelly comes back with the test in hand. She sits at the table and places it face down and says "two minutes" as she holds Sammy’s hand. 

Two minutes later Kelly picks the test up and looks shocked. "I'm..... I'm pregnant" Sammy looks shocked and replies “I've got to go" before she runs out the door with her bag. 

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