chapter 7- the aftermath

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The door slams after Sammy. Miss Smith looks at the door worried and asks Miss Glasson if she can look after the class before she runs after Sammy. After 5 minutes of Kelly searching the school grounds for Sammy. She finds her sitting under a tree on the sports field with her head in her hands. Kelly runs up to Sammy. "Sam, babe are you okay?" Kelly asks. Sammy looks up at Kelly reply's "what do you think!? I’ve just been fucking smashed up against a metal filing cabinet and knocked out so if you think I'm some superwoman then no I'm not fucking okay!." Kelly sits beside Sammy "look I’m sorry. But being gay.... Well it’s normal. It’s accepted by everyone. Do you know what i say? Fuck the haters. Because you are who you want to be. I love you for who you are. Your friends love you for who you are so let them try and get you down but your gonna be ten times taller than them. Your not a fag and you’re definitely not fat!" Kelly says after she holds Sammy's hand. Sammy reply's"I’m sorry i didn't mean to be a bitch to you just then you didn't deserve it and I'm beyond sorry". Kelly looks at the gash on Sammie's head a bruised and bloody nose and the black and bloody eye. "shit. We need to get you to the hospital or we need an ambulance." Kelly says staring at Sammy as she gets up and puts her hand out, Sammy doesn’t look right. Sammy holds her head standing still. "come o..... whats up!? Sam baby!?" Kelly says but she’s too late, Sam falls to the floor. she’s not breathing. 

kelly falls to her knees. shouting "help" at the top of her voice. Miss Chelsea is walking past, she looks over and realizes its Sam her niece who’s on the floor. She drops everything, even her laptop and runs over to kelly and sam. "what happened!!?" Tanya asks falling to her knees checking that Sammy’s okay. "It was Charlotte Adams. She attacked her because she found out that Sammy’s gay, throw her up against the filing cabinet she got up ran out here and collapsed" kelly replies. Tanya looking shocked phones for the ambulance. "right Kelly calm down take a deep breath and come and hold her neck for me" Tanya says. kelly holds Samm’s head and neck completely still. A few minutes later the ambulance arrives. The paramedic says "hi what happened?" kelly replies "Shes Sammy and she was in a fight and her head was smashed up against a metal filing cabinet she got back up came out here, we spoke and she callapsed holding her head". john reply's" Well im going to have to check her over put her on a spinal board and take her into hospital". "whats up with her? is she going to be okay" kelly asks. John says "it’s hard to tell right now" 

Sammy leaves the school in the ambulance and arrives at the hospital. They tell her that she’s going to be fine, it’s just the force of the impact that made her callapse. The hospital sends her home and tells her to take it easy. 

With in half an hour there a knock at the door. Sammy gets up thinking its her parents. She opens the door and its Kelly "can i come in?" Kelly says. "Sure, how did you get away from school?" Sammy asks. Kelly says "told them i was ill" as she sits on the sofa. Sammy sits with her and snuggles with her. "are you okay now?" Kelly asks. "yeah sort of" Sam replies as she kisses her head. 

Seconds later the door bell rings "open up police!!" someone shouts. "shit. Get up and hide" Sam whispers. 

Who's at the door? Has someone told about Kelly and Sam? Stay tuned x

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