Character info

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Name: (y/n) (l/n) 

Age: 16

Hair color and length: (h/c) (h/l)

Eye color: (e/c)

Family: Unknown 

Race: Human ( surprisingly can see rukh, but never mentions it, because you think it's only in your head.) 

Personality: You are very distant and cold, but you are very loyal and kind to those who you hold dear.

Likes: Friends, kind people, cute things, sweet things, night sky, cold and stars.

Dislikes: perverts, slave traders, drunk people (with exceptions), bitter things, cocky people and showoffs.

List of those who are vampires: Aladdin, Alibaba, Sinbad, Ja'far, Sharrkan, Hakuryuu, Judar, Kouen, Koumei, Kouha, ( there will be added more if you want. ) 


You don't know your parents, but a kind woman took you in, it was when you were only a newborn. She took care of you until you were 12. Why ? Because at the age of 12 vampire raided your home and killed your "mother". From that moment you were trying to survive by stealing, but it didn't work and eventually got caught by slave traders. At the age of 15, your "master" almost raped you, but Morgiana saved you. After that you became Lord Jamil's slave beside Morgiana, it made you happy inside, that there was somebody who cared about you. . A year later you were carrying a basket full of lemons with Morgiana, until a blue haired boy bumped into you and that was how your new adventure began. 

(Hey guys ! This is my first Magi fan fiction, there happens to be almost none of vampire AU, so I decided to try it ^.^, I'm sorry if you won't like it or there will be spell errors, that's because English ins't my native language, but i'm still trying! I hope you will enjoy this story, Bye !) 

A special human ( Various x reader + vampire AU ) [Sadly in hold]Where stories live. Discover now