Chapter 16

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(Okay, first of all...I THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR 1.1K VIEWS ! This is so incredible ! I am so happy for this book, I never thought that I would achieve such number in only a month. For someone it may not be such a big number, but for me it's the best thing that could happen to me ^.^ I want to apologize to you all...I know that I haven't updated in a "while" and made you all wait, what a failure I am... I know that these are only excuses, but the sickness really did a toll on me and came back, that's why I wasn't updating, but now i'm finally free ! x3 So I deeply apologize to you all for the wait and I hope you will enjoy this chapter, bye ! ^~^)

"What do you mean, go on a journey just you two, (Y/n) ?" Alibaba asked confused and Aladdin replied.

"There's a big magic school in Magnostadt, you see. We really want to go there and study." Alibaba stood up and responded.

"But you two are already studying right here !" 

"We have other reasons, too...We do like this country, but...King Sinbad's radiance is too intense, so it feels like we might get drawn into it - in spite of ourselves. We want to learn what the world is like in a bigger sense. That's why we want to go on a journey, just the two of us." I replied determined. 

"(Y/n)...Aladdin...I see...A journey...Sounds good to me...Okay, gotcha. In that case, of course we'll go, too. Right, Morgiana ?" Alibaba questioned.

"R-Right." Replied Morgiana, but then I denied with a hurt expression.

"That won't be possible..." 

"We want to go to Magnostadt alone, no matter what." Aladdin ended for me and held a determined look too.

3rd P.O.V.

King Sinbad was walking down the palace halls and behind him followed Ja'far with Yamraiha and Ja'far then said.

"How surprising was that...For Aladdin and (y/n) to announce that they were going to Magnostadt..."

"I know. But...I can't let them go." Replied the king while stopping. Yamraiha tried to explain her king the duo's intention and questioned.

"Aladdin and (y/n) are only going to conduct research on the Dark Metal Vessel. What do you mean, let them go...?" And the king replied, while facing Yamraiha. 

"But it's too dangerous. Magnostadt is now a country run under a most peculiar system...There's discrimination between magicians and ordinary citizens." Yamraiha looked down and Ja'far then reminded. 

"Still, the second those two heard that, they told us they were going, remember ?" King Sinbad then turned back and held a serious look.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Just what are you two thinking ? That country might be involved with Al-Thamen, right ? In that case, i'm going too !" Alibaba declared but we both shook our heads and he looked hurt.

"What's that supposed to mean ? How cold is that ?" I frowned and Aladdin declared.

"Alibaba...I want to make you a king. By that I mean the kind of person who can give hope to people when the world is about to be destroyed...But I just don't have enough power or magic or knowledge to do that. That's why i'm going, to gain all those things. I want to figure out what it is you want to do on your own, okay ?" And then I jumped in.

"I'm going too and I have a lot of reasons too, knowledge, power and magic are one of them too, but I can't miss this opportunity to go somewhere where my family goes too, I just can't bring myself to leave my only family alone and I want to become stronger too, to protect my friends and in order to do that, I need to go to Magnostadt with Aladdin..." Alibaba looked down and we were all silent.

A special human ( Various x reader + vampire AU ) [Sadly in hold]Where stories live. Discover now