Important !

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Hey guys, I have to say something, the bullying is over which is really good for me, but I have some bad news. Today I visited my doctor, because my neck started hurting at Saturday and each day it was getting worse and worse and she said that I have Tonsillitis, but that there is a chance that I can have infectious mononucleosis and i'm so terrified. I've never had some bad illnesses or something like that and it's the first time that I got a warning about this, i'm seriously scared and just in case they took some of my blood and on  Wednesday they'll tell us, but we can know earlier. If I won't get better until tomorrow night, they there's a higher chance that I have the infectious mononucleosis...I'm really scared about all of this and I hope that it's only Tonsillitis...I will update to you all on Wednesday, when we'll know if I have the infectious mononucleosis or not...Please, wish me luck. I'm sorry that I still won't update my story and I hope you will have a nice day/night :). 

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