Chapter 1

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke up in a cell, when I wanted to move I felt sharp pain in every part of my body. When I looked at my body I noticed that they were treated, which really surprised me. Who would treat me...? That fat pig never. Maybe another slave...? But why..?  I decided not to think about it and look around. 

The cell wasn't that big, there was a small window, which sadly was blocked, a bed with dirty sheets, a small wooden table and a wooden chair. It was too plain and empty, I came closer to the cell bars and tried to look around and I noticed that there were a lot of cells around me, but I didn't see anyone in them. Maybe the ones next to me aren't empty, but I guess for now I won't know. With nothing to do I decided to look outside the small window and noticed that it was night, it was really quiet here and I enjoyed the silence. I layed on my bed and still was looking out the window, admiring the beautiful night. My eyes started soon dropping and I fell victim to sleep. 

Next day~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke up due being kicked in the stomach and it certainly wasn't pleasant either. With a grunt I opened my eyes to see that same slave trader AGAIN, I guess I will see him really often... Back to the situation, why would he kick me to wake me up ? Or rather WHY would he wake me up... No... Don't tell me he's going to torture me again ! I don't want this !  On the inside I was panicking, but didn't let him see my fear, because it's only a weakness.. He started dragging me by the chains again and ended up in a bigger cell, there was a lot of people in it, women, children, teenagers, it really scared me now. He really is going to sell us huh...?  He opened the  cell door and pushed me in it, then left. What an ass... I thought angrily. I decided to look around and noticed that in the corner was a girl with beautiful red eyes and hair, I wanted to try and befriend her. I walked in front of the girl and greeted her. 

"Hello there." 

The girl only looked at me and nodded. 

She looked really lonely and reminded me of myself back then when I started stealing, so I started a conversation with her.

"I was wondering if you want to be friends, oh and by the way my name's (y/n) (l/n)" I was smiling while talking to her. 

The girl looked at me with some kind of hope in her eyes and quietly said.

" I'm... Morgiana..." When I heard her name I said what I thought out loud. 

"What a beautiful name...." the gir- Morgiana looked at me with somewhat shocked face and started slightly blushing. 

I then realized that I said it out loud and started blushing too. When Morgiana noticed me blushing she smiled a little, that it was almost unnoticeable, but I caught it and giggled a little bit. Morgiana looked at me and said quietly. 

"You want to be... Friends with me...?" She surprised me with that, but I still smiled and nodded and reached my hand out for her to shake. Morgiana looked like she was hesitating, but after a while she took my hand and smiled. I then said.

"Nice to meet you Morgiana, I hope we will become the best of friends in the future." The birds around me shined really brightly and looked happy. Morgiana smiled and said. 

"Thank you (y/n), I hope too we will become best friends in the future."

After that we started talking about ourselves, but didn't talk about our pasts. Later some guards opened the cells and started dragging other slaves and went to us, I stepped out and hold out my arms to protect Morgiana, there were 3 of them and tried to move me, but I stood my ground and said.

A special human ( Various x reader + vampire AU ) [Sadly in hold]Where stories live. Discover now