I'm good, I guess ? ._.

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Hey guys, today I feel slightly better, so we didn't visit my doctor, mum only called her about the blood tests. She told her that I should be okay and that there's no signs of the infectious mononucleosis, but it really is tonsillitis, but a pretty bad one. She said that my inflammatory marker ( I honestly don't know if I got that right '-' ) is eeeh, higher than it should be ? I'm not sure, cause I may be a little bit confused, but we still have to call her and visit her on Monday ? Because there is still a blood test somewhere else, where they will check it more properly, I think -_-. So i'll update again when we'll know if I really am fine. Anyways, thank you all for understanding and Paula-chan is going to sleep >w<. 

( Totally don't have problems sleeping at night and then have to sleep throughout the day...*sweatdropping* + my mum always scares me when I have closed eyes and headphones on ;-; I swear that she's going to be the death of me one day 😒😂😂 )

Have a nice day/night guys :) 

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