Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I was walking around the hallways at the palace in Sindria, when I noticed that Aladdin was training with Yamraiha, I was watching them for a while and Yamraiha was explaining what magic is, she really is good at teaching. I then noticed Sinbad and Morgiana going somewhere and I walked up to them.

"Good morning, King Sinbad and Morgiana, can I join you ?" King Sinbad laughed and greeted me back replying that I can join them. We were heading towards the area where Alibaba was training with Sharrkan, when we arrived Sharrkan was saying to Alibaba.

"But isn't your sword broken to the point where it doesn't even shoot out flames anymore ?"


"That does look pretty bad." Sinbad said.

"Sinbad !"

"We've got to do something about that knife. Come with me." We ended up in a room full of treasures, making me amazed.

"That knife's no good anymore."

"What ?"

"It's not like your djinn is dead. I mean that if you transfer your djinn to another metal vessel, you'll be able to use him again."

"Thank goodness."

"But the problem is what metal vessel to transfer him to. Djinn manifest their power by becoming one with their masters. As such, metal vessels should be items that their master have worn for a long time or items that their master have strong emotional attachment to. Your knife fits that description, doesn't it ?"

"It's not really all that impressive. A little while after I entered the palace, during my practical economy lessons, the former king of Balbadd, my dad, came to see me just once. That day was the first time I succeeded in a trade negotiation and I bought this knife with the profits. It was actually pretty cheap. But i'm kind of sad it's broken." Sinbad smiled and said.

"I understand. That knife is a connection to the late king." Sinbad placed a beautiful dagger with a black sheath on a table and Alibaba asked.

"What's this ?"

"This is a sword the late king gifted to me a while ago." 

"That's from my dad ?"

"There was a battle in which I had hurt both my people and my country and I was feeling lost and confused. He gave me this sword then and told me to have strength. Now, I will pass it onto you. If you wish to once again take up a blade, if there is something you must do, it is yours." Both Sinbad and Alibaba made dramatic poses and had serious expressions, I really don't understand them... Alibaba then said.

"I stake my life on it." Alibaba unsheathed the dagger and the eight pointed star on his previous dagger started shining, the symbol then transferred into the new dagger and Alibaba said surprised.

"Amon transferred !"

"Your djinn transferred over so quickly. I'm sure your father's guiding you. Now it's Morgiana and (y/n)'s turn."

"What ?" Both me and Morgiana said confused.

"You Morgiana pick any metal item that you like from this room."

"Me ?" Asked Morgiana completely confused."

"Yes. If you plan on fighting alongside Alibaba and Aladdin with (y/n), you could become part of their household."

"Household ?" Asked Alibaba.

"Household refers to the warriors who support a King Candidate. They receive magoi from him and a blessing of power from his djinn to fight alongside him. In order for that to happen, you need to have a vessel to hold that power or a household vessel. As long as it's metal and it touches your body, anything will work." Sinbad said and picked up a beautiful necklace.

A special human ( Various x reader + vampire AU ) [Sadly in hold]Where stories live. Discover now