Author's note:Bullying

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Hi guys...I want to tell you all sad news...I'm not going to update in a longer "while", because my mental and emotional state aren't exactly the happiest at the moment...You can all guess it already, i'm being bullied...And to be honest, the goddamn reason is really stupid, but what can you say ? It all started at Monday evening, because my now ex-friend was saying how i'm going to buy totally something else than what I was supposed to for Cooking class, of course me, who didn't like it, started to argue why i'm supposed to take something else. She was saying that I always took something too cheap, but that's not fucking true. I was getting really annoyed by it, but let it go. But that bitch just had to say something more. 

"Well, if your not taking it, you're not allowed to cook nor eat."

I felt myself snap and wrote her that i'm done with this and is she serious about the not cooking and eating part, plus I asked her point. She just replied with a no, meaning that she was serious and I started telling her my situation with my family. As you all know, if you read my little rant, my father and mother aren't together and we live without father. We now have problem with money, because my mom get's for her job maybe like430 dollars, I don't really know because here in Czech Republic we have it different, anyways, she needs to pay her bill for our flat, which is 526 dollars, so she has to always take money from her bank account. My father has trouble with money now, too and we can't support each other. And I can't just buy something and then buy something else again, because "General Jane <-- her name" told me to. And do you know what she wrote me ? That literally made me break from inside and cry.

"But that's not my problem." 

In chat, I still remained angry, but didn't show my sadness in it and I wrote her that I hope that she's proud of being a bitch and I wrote her how fucking selfish she is, she can't even try to be in my place or my mum's ! My BFF Kiki <-- her nickname was reading the whole conversation and admitted that, that it was really cruel of her to say that, plus I added that everybody is different and that i'm happy to see just how much of a good friend she is. And all she had to say was.

"And do you think that we're rich ?" 

HER FUCKING PARENTS ARE TOGETHER AND MAKE TOGETHER AT LEAST 1436 DOLLARS, OH MY FUCKING GOD, THAT REALLY DID MADE ME FURIOUS. I then wrote her that she doesn't understand MY point and that she will NEVER understand how it feels. 

"And it's my fault ?" 

She fucking asked and I was ready to bash her head open. Kiki then wrote that she doesn't understand why were arguing, but said that it was both mine and Jane's fault, which I agree. I shouldn't get provoked by her, but she didn't have to be a bitch and heartless. 

"But why can't she just take the thing ?" 

I was done and wrote to her.

"Okay, i'll take it so that SOMEONE is happy ! Just in case, so that SOMEONE won't tell our homeroom teacher that I didn't take what I was supposed to !" 

Kiki was still defending me and wrote to Jane.

"She doesn't have what she has to take, so what ? Her mum works from morning to night, plus she has health problems, she can't do everything ! And she isn't taking care ONLY of Paula ! Just understand this, otherwise there isn't any problem !"

"Then why is she even taking the cooking class ?" 

Guys, do you think that this is really normal ? Is she fucking stupid ? Or what ? 

"But cooking class isn't only about money ?"

"Yeah, but she has to buy things." 

"Yeah, sometimes you have to buy stuff, but why buy something when she can take already something she has at home ?" 

There just wasn't a way to fucking change her mind, I was already crying because of her and my mum entered my room and was surprised to see my sad and cry, when she saw how my "friend" was acting, she immediately commented that she doesn't like how she is commanding us. And she DARED TO WRITE BACK A FUCKING "THEN YOU CAN COMMAND NOW". Then SUDDENLY she wanted to agree who will take what at school, we agreed, although I didn't even want to see her face. At Thursday nothing happened, we just didn't talk to each other and it was irritating, because we sit together...But next day, Holy Solomon, that was a really bad fucking day for me. The cooking class ? I was only washing the dishes or something else, didn't even touch the goddamn food, plus they didn't even use what I brought, another reason which pissed me off and the food was tasteless, almost no taste, the food was like chewing a gummy bear and the sauce was almost tasteless too. Plus, that bitch was throwing disgusted faces at me and was all like, Philip ! You can't command her ! I really wanted to at least make her lie in the hospital for a week, but I had to hold back. But today ? I'm totally broken and depressed as fuck...I entered our classroom and you know what ? "She" was suddenly friends with another bitch ( which threw our things from under our desks into a trash bin and lied ) And another 2 were with them. Immediately, they looked at me with disgusted faces and started gossiping and laughing at me. Saying everything that they could think of...Like...That something smells really bad here or that i'm pathetic and many, many more disgusting things...I was really shocked, but pretended that i'm not bothered, but that didn't stop them. They gossiped at breaks, in periods, even in P.E. class ! They just wouldn't stop ! But, when P.E. class ended, we were back in our changing room and surprise, surprise...My clothes, watch, earrings were all on the goddamn floor ! The "Holy quarter" weren't inside, but some of my classmates were and they were shocked when they saw me, crouching and picking up my things from the floor, looking really sad, but when I faced them I smiled, faking my sadness and depression. When they arrived, all of my classmates started yelling at them that they're pathetic and other things and then they started siding with me, knowing what Jane told me when I explained her my situation, oh, and I lost one of my earrings, which were a gift from my aunt... The last period, English, it was still a break and suddenly a girl I knew, she is a grade higher than me and she came up to Jane, telling her to give her, her student book and she started yelling at her if she's normal or things like how would she feel if she was bullied and other stuff, I was really happy to see another person sticking up for me and had to hide my tears, Kiki, which was sitting beside me noticed that I was silently crying and hugged me and I was really happy that they were sticking up with me. You know what Jane did ? She played the innocent girl and started crying, saying lies, which were, "It was only between me and her and she told it to our whole class ! Now they're all gossiping about me !" I forgot to mention, that me and 3 others are in another classroom, for reasons and they were all supporting her, even though they didn't know SHIT about this...When I got home, my facade crumbled to pieces and I started crying again, sobbing and yelling how life is unfair and all...My mum came into my room and comforted me, saying that if tomorrow my earring isn't going to be there, then that she will talk with our director...I'm really sad and broken again, even depressed a bit...Why ? Because this isn't the first time i'm bullied...I was bullied 2 years ago, too...And you know who ? Yeah, the bitch herself...Jane...

I really want to apologize to you all...And by the way, now we are arguing again, right at the moment :) So i'm really sorry again, but my depression won't go away so easily...I hope you will understand, unlike SOMEONE...Have a nice day/night....

A special human ( Various x reader + vampire AU ) [Sadly in hold]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt