Malec Goes Ice Skating

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Since Alec practically spent his life in the Institute, there were a lot of things he had missed on when he was younger, and ever since he began dating Magnus, he had started to catch up on all of those new activities. In fact, Magnus had actually introduced Alec to ice skating recently.

When they had arrived at the rink and attached their skates Magnus asked Alec:

-Do you want to start by holding the edge first?

-I'll be fine Magnus, see even kids are doing it!

Alec embarked on the ice and immediately started spinning and eventually fell on his back. Mags couldn't hold his laughter and said:

-It's easy isn't it?

-Stop laughing and just help me up!

Magnus approached Alec and gave him a hand. After he was up on his feet and in balance they started to advance slowly but steadily. After half an hour of practice Alec was finally able to skate without any support.

-You are pretty good now aren't you? Magnus said.

-Yeah but thanks to you because I would still be at the entrance on the ground if you weren't there.

-You would probably not even be here if I wouldn't have been there to convince you! He replied laughing.

-Yeah.... but I hope you know that I really enjoyed today and I don't regret coming here with you.

Magnus just smiled and held Alec's hand tighter. -He remembered that this morning Alec hadn't look that excited when he proposed to go skating. Later on that day he had admited that he was just a little nervous to show himself in public without a glamour because being a displayed couple is very new for him.-

But now, in this moment, Alec didn't feel nervous about showing himself, his true self, to the entire world. He kissed Magnus on the lips and when he pulled back he could see that people are looking at them but not in the wrong way, more of in a way of kindness and acceptance.

As the sun was setting on the horizon, Magnus and Alec made there way out of the rink, put back their boots on and walked back home. With red cheeks and frozen toes they hurried up inside Magnus' loft and when they were finally changed in their comfy clothes they made themselves hot chocolates and cuddled in front of the fire.
My first ever story written on Wattpad! Tell me what you think about it. Yes I am a big Malec shipper but not all my one shots will be about them (but I may slip them in from time to time)😂❤️

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