Going to the Shadow Market pt.2

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They ran as fast as they could without having time to activate their Speed Rune. They made their way behind the tent where the boy had been dragged but no one was there.

"Devoe must have seen us coming towards him and sped off. He could be anywhere by now." said Clary looking around.

"He wouldn't have left the Shadow Market if he wanted to sell that Shadowhunter that bad." responded Izzy making her way back to where they were before.

So the two girls continued walking further into the Market and could feel that they were entering a way darker part of this place. Even though they were used to battling demons and facing evil entities, the way the ambiance change suddenly made their skin crawl.

"This is definitely the place Devoe would be to do human trafficking." Clary said to Izzy.

Suddenly Izzy saw a piece of paper spark in flames in front of her, a fire message.

She took it and opened the folded sheet of paper to find a note written on the inside.

"We've been investigating on Devoe too. We saw him enter the large tent at the end of the walkway. You seem a lot more adapt to stop him than us so we thought we would give you this heads up. Good Luck."

"Who wrote that?" Clary asked peering over Izzy's shoulder.

"It must have been another Shadowhunter, let's just hope it's not a trap."

They started advancing cautiously towards the largest tent at the end of the path but not before Clary spotted two young boys looking at them sneakily. The way they acted made Clary think that it was probably them that had sent the message because they were clearly Shadowhunters.

One of them had black hair and was wearing headphones and the other one had blond hair just like Jace. They saw her approaching them so the dark haired one took the other boys hand and they left but not before the blond one winked at her. If she didn't know better she would've thought that him and Jace were related.

"Clary are you coming." Isabelle said from further away. Clary turned around and nodded at her friend. 

The two Shadowhunters got close to the tent and peered inside. What they saw was terrifying. 

Devoe was indeed there but around him were two other bulky vampires that clearly would not e easy to fight. And hanging from the ceiling from his feet was the boy they were searching for. 

The missing Shadowhunter looked like he was breathing but with all the blood that was dripping from his head wound he clearly didn't have much time.

Clary grabbed her seraph blade and Izzy her whip and they charged into battle.


Next part will be the last part of this small series. If you read The Dark Artifices you'll know who the two boys are... in this they don't know who Clary and Izzy and everyone are okayyyy. Also Shadowhunters comes back in 15 days yasssss.

Shadowhunter Chronicles One Shots ➰Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora