Sizzy & Fortnite

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Izzy entered Simon's apartment after a long day at the Institute. When she opened the door and saw that all the lights were turned off she thought that Simon might be already sleeping, but then she heard a voice coming from the couch that said:

"No, no, they're too many! Ahhhh I'm dead man!"

A smile appeared on her face and she thought: of course he's playing video games.

She put her bag down on the counter and joined him on the couch. Since he had his headphones on he hadn't heard her coming in so he slightly jumped when he saw her appear next to him.

"Hey Izzy! How was today?"

"Same old, same old. Going on missions, killing demons, going on missions, killing demons" she said after giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

They discussed for a little while, but she could see that her boyfriend was urging to continue playing his game so she decided to go get change into more comfy clothes.

In the bathroom she could here Simon talking to Eric through the microphone and wondered what could be so interesting about these fake war games. It's way better when you can actually do it in real life.

She put on one of Simon's oversized shirt, took off her heels that were slowly killing her feet and washed the makeup off from her face. She then put her hair up in a messy bun and went back to the living room.

She observed the way Simon was so focused on the screen, his fingers moving with a surprising speed on his control whiteout even him having to look at it.

After about thirty minute of intense shouting and jumping around he finally "won".

"What is this game? You've been playing that for weeks." Isabelle asked after Simon had put down the controller.

"It's called Fortnite. It'a game where you need to kill everyone on the map and be the last one standing. It's basically the Hunger a more cartoony way."

Not understanding half of what he had said about game of hungers, she did like the concept of being the last one standing. She then asked him:

"Could I try?"

"Uhh...sure! I'd love to show you how! Here take the controller and I'll show you what to do."

Simon briefed her quickly on what controls to press when you need to shoot, run, aim, etc.

"I'm totally gonna win this." She said while the game was loading.

"Um babe, I know you have talents in actual fighting but video game killing takes a whole other set of skills."

"Let's see about that," she said with a confident look in her eyes.

It had barely been fifteen minutes and she already had 15 kills. Her reflexes were so good, you would've thought she had been playing her entire life.

When the game was finished and she did "Top 1", the Shadowhunter turned around with a big smile and said:

"Told ya I was going to win!"

"I have never thought you could get more badass." he said with a mesmerized look on his face. He cupped her face in his hands and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Woah. If I knew you would kiss me like that if I played video games I would've started years ago!" she responded smiling and kissing him again.

"Did you like playing the game?"

"Yeah, I actually quite enjoyed it. Maybe I should play more often."

They spent the rest of the night gaming and cuddling on the sofa until they both fell asleep in each others arm.


Hope you enjoyed this story largely inspired by the headcanon above! Still waiting for Shadowhunters to come back this year....#Season3B. I am currently reading Tales Of The Shadowhunter Academy and I'm loving it! After that I'll read The Dark Artifices series.

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