Going to the Shadow Market pt.3

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The two girls charged into the tent.

Izzy whipped the first vampire in the face which left a big gash and stunned him for a second. 

Next to her, Clary was battling with the other vampire. Even though these types of Downworlders were fast and strong, the Shadowhunters had the techniques and special abilities to counter-attack them.

The battle was heated. It was two against three, so to put the odds more equally Clary tackled Devoe and Izzy had time to break the chains that were holding the Shadowhunter captive.

Clary pinned the vampire to the ground but by the time she managed to properly grab a wooden dagger and stab it in his heart, another one of the guard went behind her back and bit her arm. She let out a scream that immediately alerted Isabelle. She finished drawing Iratzes on the boy's arms and went to help her friend.

She enlaced her whip around the neck of the vampire that was gnawing on Clary's arm and pulled hard. The pull made him knock his head on a table that was in the middle of the tent  and knocked him unconscious.

She went to go help Clary catch Devoe, that had managed to scoot back further away and that was trying to get to the exit of the tent and manage an escape, when she felt a heavy push on her back. When she fell, she had enough of reflex to roll on the side which saved herself from having the other bodyguard's fangs in her neck. 

Before she even got up the young Shadowhunter boy had broken the leg of a wooden stool and plunged it in the enemy's back. Izzy thanked the boy and told him to go and cuff the other one,  that was still unconscious on the floor before he could attack again.

Looking behind her she saw Clary in a vicious fight with Devoe. She slashed, ducked, kicked and punched like Isabelle had rarely seen her do before.

The pain in the red head's arm was excruciating. Her arm was covered in blood, numb from the pain she even started to feel dizzy because of all the blood-loss. 

Fortunately, when she was starting to get slower in her movements and Devoe was getting way closer to the entrance, Izzy stepped in and gave him a strong roundhouse kick in the back of the head. He collapsed to the ground and so did Clary.

After a few Iratzes, Clary was finally able to stand up and they were able to leave the tent. As they were walking back to the entrance of the Shadow Market they got many angry glances from Downworlders that were clearly not happy that they were arresting two of their owns. But at least no one made a move at them. With the blood on their clothes and the scowls on their faces the Shadowhunters did look very terrifying.

"Thank you for saving my life." said the boy.

"That's nothing, and thank you  for saving mine." Izzy said with a genuine smile.

"And saving you gave us the chance to stop a most wanted criminal." Clary added directing her glance towards Devoe that was walking, in cuffs, in front of her.

As they were exiting the Market, Clary saw the two boys that had helped them find the tent. They were sitting at a picnic table the black haired boy's head resting on the blond one's shoulder. As the one that looked as a teen-Jace looked at her from afar she gave him a wink to which he responded with a small smile.

When they were outside the gates, Clary made a portal and the group left Los Angeles to go back home.


Hoped you enjoy this small series. If you have any recommendations please comment here. I do actually watch them okkkayyyyy. Anyways, Shadowhunters comes back in two days and I'm soooooo freaking excited!!!!!

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