Makeover with Magnus Bane

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Izzy dragged Clary to Magnus' place. When she opened the door Clary was shocked to see the mess that was the warlock's loft. Clothes, makeup, shoes and jewellery everywhere.

"What the heck has happened in here?"

"Do you mean what the heck is going to happen in here?" The warlock responded while coming out of a shelve full of fabrics.

"I'm not sure I quite understand..."

Clary turned around to ask Izzy what was happening but she was already gone. They were going to have to talk about that later, but she knew that she would't be getting out of here soon.

"Is this by any chance for me?" Clary asked while finally starting to understand what was happening.

"Oh yes it is Biscuit! When Isabelle told me that you and Jace had a date tonight for the first time in 3 weeks I knew I had to help."

Well, actually, it wasn't exactly by choice that they didn't get the possibility to go on a romantic outing in such a long time, in fact they simply hadn't seen each other for the past three weeks. Jace had been on a mission abroad in Canada and he was finally able to come back today. They had reserved a dinner at a restaurant tonight but Clary really hadn't thought of how to dress herself, she was too excited to see him.

She didn't have time to explain all this to Magnus because he was already giving her a bunch of outfits to try.

During the past hour Clary tried glittery dresses, leather jackets, jumpsuits, crop-tops and many more. With so much possibilities she didn't know what to choose. Until Magnus gave her a black crop top with a colourful printed short skirt. It wasn't the most glamorous outfit the warlock had handed her but it was the one that she felt the most drawn to.

She went back into the bathroom and tried it. As soon as it was on her she let it was the one and it fitted her perfectly.

"I really like this one." Clary said spinning around to show Magnus.

"Well I think so too. It's the perfect mix of fancy and summery vibes. I think Jace would find you pretty in anything but in this...his jaw will literally drop."

Picture of the outfit below:

Picture of the outfit below:

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Next thing was the shoes. It wasn't that hard because with the enormous variety offered it was easy to find some cute black sandals that went perfectly with the dress.

Picture of the shoes below:

Last but not least, the hair and makeup

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Last but not least, the hair and makeup.

"So are you just going to magic some eyeshadows on me and see what I like best?" Clary asked.

"Of course not! I will do it myself. I know exactly what to do trust me."

She followed him into his bedroom and into the closet. Clary was amazed at how big it was even if Magnus could just magically add and remove them.

"I like having a furnished wardrobe, and I have some favourites that I wear more than once a year." He said winking at Clary and leading her to the far end wall which had a mirror and a big counter where a bunch of makeup laid down.

Clary sat down and let Magnus get to work. He applied a primer on her face, and then foundation and than other things that she didn't even know what it was, but she trusted Magnus. The warlock had a soft touch on her face, he did everything gently and always asked if it was okay before he applied it on her.

"Are you excited to see him again?" Magnus asked while applying eyeshadow on her lids.

"Yeah, I really am. These past three weeks have felt like 2 months. I just realized how much Jace means to me and how much I rely on him everyday. That may sound cheesy but I guess you understand with Alec and all."

"Yes, I can understand you very much. With his position as the head of the institute he had to leave a couple of times for business trips and even though I could have portaled there I knew better than to go barging in his work and everything."

"Yeah, he told me about the business trips and how hard it could be sometimes."

"He told you?" Magnus asked perplexed while applying the last touch of eyeliner.

"Sometimes we do talk without getting annoyed at each other, even if it doesn't last very long." She replied laughing.

Magnus untied her hair, and braided it in a very original way. In a couple of minutes he was done. He turned Clary around so she could face the mirror and she was absolutely starstruck. What Magnus had done to her face was amazing. It was gorgeous but didn't feel to heavy on her face.

Pictures of the hair & makeup below:

Pictures of the hair & makeup below:

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She gave Magnus a big hug and thanked him at least ten times but just when she was about to leave he gave her one last thing to add to her outfit

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She gave Magnus a big hug and thanked him at least ten times but just when she was about to leave he gave her one last thing to add to her outfit. A necklace.

"It belonged to a good friend of mine, Aphrodite."

"The greed goddess Aphrodite?" Clary asked even more surprised than she though she could be.

He simply smiled at her and led her to the door.

"Have a nice date Biscuit."

All I have to tell you is that no matter the outfit Jace would have been happy to see Clary, but with the makeover she got he was speechless. It was an amazing date and reunion.

When Alec came home from work he saw Magnus asleep on the couch, on a pile of clothes, with a smile on his face.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------          Can you tell that I like adding pics...hahaha. Tell me in the comments pls if you like it when I do that! I'm so excited for the mid-season finale this week. Hope you guys enjoyed this story! xxx

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