Vacation Time Pt.4

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Finally, Magnus, Izzy, Clary and Jace arrived to the abandoned building where Alec and Simon were supposedly held captive. They already had their plan, two of them would fight the vampire, since their odds would be 2 against one it would be easy, while the to other two go get Alec and Simon.

They entered the building discreetly and immediately saw their friends that were hanging from the ceiling, barely able to touch the ground. They were attached by chains around their wrists and their bodies were covered in bruises and bloody cuts.

The four of them started running towards the middle of the room but as they got close a dozen of vampires jumped in front of them. One of them was in front and looked like he was the leader, he was also probably the one that talked to Clary on the phone.

"You said one bite, let my friends go and then I'll let you bite me." Clary responded knowing that she would never let him bite her without a fight.

"Oh did I forget to mention, it's one bite per vampire, but you guys are two so it won't be that bad. I'll drain your boyfriend first and then it will be your turn. I have other coming so I might just want to keep you for a little longer, I could make a couple of dollars doing this." he said smiling and making a sign to his pack to start surrounding Clary and the others.

Jace didn't like what he was seeing and he wouldn't let anyone touch Clary or his friends so he took out his seraph blade and started attacking.

Izzy pulled out her whip and took on another group of vamps. Magnus used his powers and he managed to kill a lot of them. Clary used her sunlight rune and turned others to dust. But by the time they killed ten, another ten would arrive and join the battle. The four of them fought for what seemed like forever but they finally managed to scare them away because they knew they had no chance of winning now.

They were all exhausted but they still ran over to their friends that were barely breathing. Jace cut the chains with his seraph blade and both of the guys fell on the ground, they were conscious but very weak. Magnus used the last bit of his strength to portal them to the hotel and then they treated their wounds with the first aid kit in the room and with some potions that Magnus brought in his luggage.

After a couple of hours they were feeling a little better and finally able to make full sentences. Magnus was sitting beside Alec, holding his hand and said:

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again Alexander."

"Works for me." he responded laughing.

Izzy was also by Simon's side. He was resting his head on her lap and looked at Isabelle and said:

"Turns out you did have to rescue me....again." Simon said like he was annoyed.

"Oh stop it! I know you love it when I come and rescue you" she responded while kissing him.

Clary still had many questions but she had waited for them to feel better to ask them. The guys finally explained that they went to the food truck, and a stranger approached them, the vampire. He told them that Clary and Jace were in danger and that they needed their help now. Alec and Simon were suspicious so when they turned around to at least go get Magnus and Izzy, five other vampires came out and grabbed them. They were knocked out and the next thing they knew they were in the abandoned building being tortured.

The six of them spent the rest of the afternoon inside, they ordered take out and watched a bunch of movies. The rest of the trip went pretty well considering what had happened and when they got back home they still felt happy about their vacations.

One of the first thing Alec did when he came back was contact the Head of the Institute in Dubai to make sure that nothing like that ever happens again.

In the meantime Clary, Izzy and Magnus were already planning where to go on their next trip.


The "Vacation Time" series is officially over! Hope you liked it. I'll post more stories soon. ;)

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