Art Gallery

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This was it. The moment she had been waiting for her whole life! Her art was going to be presented in a worldwide known art gallery in New York.

For months she had been waiting to hear back from the judges and three days ago they finally called her and told her that she had won!

She had just arrived at the gallery with Jace when it all hit her. Since she was a child she always wanted to do art for a living but recently she had thought it would've been impossible because she was now a Shadowhunter. Her duty was already established and there was no place for art anymore, but quickly her friends made her change her mind and told her that if art was truly her passion she could do it too!

And it had worked out. She went on missions when she was needed and during her days off she would paint, being an artist had the benefits of having a flexible schedule.

"Are you alright Clary?" Jace said, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just nervous."

Jace took her hand and pushed the door open.

The room had high ceilings and was about the size of a football field. Art, paintings, sculptures, covered the walls.

Many people were already there and though the crowd she spotted Simon, Izzy, Alec and Magnus.

They approached them and when the group saw Clary they all embraced her and congratulated her.

"We went to see your exhibition! It's fantastic!" Izzy said giving her bestie a hug.

"I have seen many works of artists in my life but yours is truly incomparable Biscuit." Magnus added.

She discussed with them for a while and then decided to go check out her exhibit.

Clary separated herself from the group and headed toward the far end of the room where a sign said: ANGELIC POWER BY: CLARY FRAY.

Seeing her paintings hung on the wall, observed by so many people made her feel a little anxious at first but when strangers came to congratulate her and compliment her art, she felt a great burst of confidence.

Her painting of the Angel coming out from Lake Lynn was the one that got the most attention. Of course everyone thought it was inspired by a fairytale of some sort.

Even though her pieces were mostly taken from her Shadowhunter life, she didn't describe everything as it really was. The Angel is simply an angel and nothing more, keeping the ShadowWorld from the mundane world was still her priority.

She got pulled from her thoughts a second time this night when she heard voice from beside her saying:

"You're paintings are amazing, they look so real. And not to brag, I'm an artist too so I know what I'm talking about."

Clary turned around and saw that the person that had talked was a red-headed girl with piercing green eyes. She looked about the same age as her and even though everyone was dressed in fancy attire, she was dressed in paint stained jeans and a loose white t-shirt.

"Thanks!" Clary replied. "What's your name?"

"I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare."

"Well nice to meet you Rachel." she responded with a smile.


Any Percy Jackson fans here?!? This was fun to write (especially the ending). I would maybe like to do more in details crossover but i don't know if there are enough people that are PJO fans. Let me know in the comments please! This was inspired by the head canon at the top!

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